Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 26
Showing: Items 1 - 26
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Geography Data processing)

Select Item Title Year Published
A General design schema for an operational geographic information system / 1977
ARC news [electronic resource] 2009
ArcGIS 9 Geoprocessing in ArcGIS / 2004
Artificial intelligence in geography / 1997
Big data : techniques and technologies in geoinformatics / 2014
Comparison of selected operational capabilities of fifty-four geographic information systems / 1977
Conference proceedings : NCGA GIS '90 : {August 26-29, 1990, Westin Galleria, Houston, Texas} / 1990
Development of a national digital geospatial data framework a status report from the Framework Working Group / 1994
Final report an assessment of information demands for remote sensing and geographic information system technologies / 1988
Fundamentals of geographic information systems a compendium / 1989
Geographic information systems : bibliography. 1988
Geographic information systems : case studies of EPA's implementation / 1989
Geographic information systems an introduction / 1990
Geographical information systems / 1999
GIS for health organizations / 2000
GIS Modeling of Ground Water Remediation Effectiveness. 1994
Information available from the Safe Drinking Water Information System. 1998
Map indexing system users manual / 1978
Proceedings of Geographic Information Systems Workshop, Colony Square Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia, April 1-4, 1986 1986
Requirements for locational data in the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS). 1998
State geographic information activities compendium 1992
Strategy for geographical information systems assessment and implementation inception report / 1992
Twenty-second annual ESRI International User Conference proceedings : geography : sustaining our world. 2002
Understanding GIS : the ARC/INFO method. 1992
Understanding GIS : the ARC/INFO method. 1990
User needs assessment for an operational geographic information system / 1977

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