Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 33
Showing: Items 1 - 33
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Genome)

Select Item Title Year Published
A brief history of everyone who ever lived : the human story retold through our genes / 2017
Annotation of the Celera human genome assembly. 2001
Bacterial genomes and infectious diseases / 2006
Bioinformatics and functional genomics / 2003
Bioinformatics and genome analysis / 2002
Bioinformatics. 1998
Characterization of 'Desulfomicrobium escambium' sp. nov. and Proposal to Assign 'Desulfovibrio desulfuricans' Strain Norway 4 to the Genus 'Desulfomicrobium'. 1994
Common thread : a story of science, politics, ethics, and the human genome / 2002
From genes to genomes : concepts and applications of DNA technology / 2002
Genome mapping and genomics in fishes and aquatic animals / 2008
Genome research. 1995
Genomes / 2002
Human genome project exploring our molecular selves / {electronic resource} : 2001
Human genome. 2006
Introduction to proteomics : tools for the new biology / 2002
Longevity, senescence, and the genome / 1990
Malaria genome and sequence database on CD {electronic resource}. 2002
Metabolome analysis : an introduction / 2007
Nature. Scientific achievement and medical opportunity / Plasmodium genome : 2003
Plant functional genomics / 2003
Plasmodium geneplot {electronic resource} / 2002
Proceedings: EPA Science Forum 2006: Your Health, Your Environment, Your Future. Held in Washington, DC. on May 16-18, 2006. 2006
Proteomics. 2001
Scanning life's matrix : genes, proteins, and small molecules / 2007
Systems biology knowledgebase for a new era in biology / 2009
The $1,000 genome : the revolution in DNA sequencing and the new era of personalized medicine / 2010
The genes we share with yeast, flies, worms, and mice : new clues to human health and disease / 2001
The genomic revolution : unveiling the unity of life / 2002
The Multinational Coordinated Arabidopsis thaliana Functional Genomics Project : annual report 2006 / 2006
Thompson & Thompson genetics in medicine / 2001
Transducing the genome : information, anarchy, and revolution in the biomedical sciences / 2001
Understanding the genome / 2002
Vital legacy : biological and environmental research in the atomic age. 1997

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