Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Genetics Microbial)

Select Item Title Year Published
Advanced bacterial genetics / 1980
Gene function : E. coli and its heritable elements / 1982
Genetics of bacterial diversity / 1989
Genetics of industrial microorganisms : proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms, held at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 4-9 June 1978 / 1979
Genetics of micro-organisms. 1951
Impacts of applied genetics : micro-organisms, plants, and animals. 1981
Infectious multiple drug resistance / 1975
Metagenomics : theory, methods, and applications / 2010
Molecular genetics of bacteria 1997
Molecular genetics of bacteria / 2010
New science of metagenomics : revealing the secrets of our microbial planet / 2007
Overproduction of microbial metabolites strain improvement and process control strategies / 1986
Short course in bacterial genetics a laboratory manual and handbook for Escherichia coli and related bacteria / 1991
The Lactose operon. 1970
The release of genetically-engineered micro-organisms / 1988
The science and applications of microbial genomics : workshop summary / 2013

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