Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Gas pipelines)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Bison Pipeline Project : draft environmental impact statement / 2009
Bison pipeline project draft environmental impact statement [electronic resource] / 2009
Bison Pipeline project: final environmental impact statement 2009
Comments of the Alcan Project on the Federal Power Commission's recommendation concerning an Alaska natural gas transportation system. 1977
Destin Dome 56 Unit Development and Production Plan and Right-of-Way Pipeline Application. Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Volume 1: Sections 1-10. 1999
Destin Dome 56 Unit Development and Production Plan and Right-of-Way Pipeline Application. Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Volume 2: Figures and Tables. 1999
Draft environmental impact statement : Crown Landing LNG and Logan Lateral projects. 2005
Economic impact analysis of the proposed oil and natural gas NESHAP. 1996
Energy Policy Act transportation study : interim report on natural gas flows and rates. 1995
Evaluation of the High Volume Collection System (HVCS) for quantifying fugitive organic vapor leaks 1995
Final environmental impact statement : Crown Landing LNG and Logan Lateral projects. 2006
Fish protection strategies for the design and construction of the Alaska segment of the Alaska natural gas transportation system : draft-- final / 1981
Gasoline distribution industry (stage 1) : background information for promulgated standards / 1994
Gasoline distribution industry (stage 1) : background information for proposed standards / 1994
Georgia Strait Crossing Project : draft environmental impact statement : Georgia Strait crossing pipeline LP docket nos. CP01-176-000 and CP01-179-000 FERC/EIS - 0140D. 2001
High Plains Expansion Project: final environmental impact statement: Colorado Interstate Gas Company, docket nos. CP07-207-000, PF06-36-000 2007
Improvements Needed in EPA Efforts to Address Methane Emissions fro Natural Gas Distribution Pipelines. 2014
Measurement of Methane Emissions from Underground Distribution Mains and Services. 1994
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry : project summary [Microfiche] / 1997
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry, volume 1 / 1996
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry, volume 2 / 1996
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry, volume 3. : General methodology / 1996
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. : volume 10. Metering and pressure regulating stations in natural gas transmission and distribution / 1996
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. : volume 11. Compressor driver exhaust / 1996
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. : volume 12. pneumatic devices / 1996
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. : volume 13. chemical injection pumps / 1996
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. : volume 14. glycol dehydrators / 1996
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. : volume 15. gas-assisted glycol pumps / 1996
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. : volume 4. Statistical methodology / 1996
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. : volume 5. Activity factors / 1996
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. : volume 6. Vented and combustion source summary / 1996
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. : volume 7. Blow and purge activities / 1996
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. : volume 8. Equipment leaks / 1996
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. : volume 9. Underground pipelines / 1996
National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants for source categories : oil and natural gas production and natural gas transmission and storage : background information for promulgated standards, summary of public comments and responses. 1999
National emmisions standards for hazardous air pollutants for source categories : oil and natural gas production and natural gas transmission and storage - background information for proposed standards / 1997
National Estimate of Methane Emissions from Compressors in the U.S. Natural Gas Industry. 1996
Natural gas movement by pipelines: 1974. 1976
Natural gas pipelines and crude oil pipelines of Pennsylvania : 1:500,000 / 1983
Natural gas pipelines and crude oil pipelines of Pennsylvania : 1:500,000 / 1984
North Sea pipelines : a survey of technology, regulation and use conflicts in oil and gas pipeline operation / 1980
Northwest expansion projects environmental assessment / 1995
Northwest Pipeline Expansion Project : final environmental impact statement / 1992
Ocean Express Pipeline Project : final environmental impact statement / 2003
Pacific Gas Transmission Company/Pacific Gas and Electric Company natural gas pipeline project (Application #89-04-033) : final environmental impact report / 1990
Patriot Project : final environmental impact statement. 2002
Patriot project draft environmental impact statement : East Tenneessee natural gas compay / 2002
Pipeline landfalls : a handbook of impact management techniques / 1981
Pipeline transportation systems: 1974. 1976
Process and environmental technology for producing SNG and liquid fuels / 1975
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