Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Gas industry Environmental aspects)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Alaska annual studies plan / 1998
An Inventory of brine discharges from the Pennsylvania oil and gas industry : Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources / 1987
Arctic seismic synthesis and mitigating measures workshop : proceedings, March 5 and 6, 1997, Barrow, Alaska. 1997
Assessment of environmental fate and effects of discharges from offshore oil and gas operations / 1985
Assessment of environmental fate and effects of discharges from offshore oil and gas operations / 1985
At a Glance : EPA Did Not Use Allegedly Flawed Studies to Estimate Methane Emissions or Set New Source Performance Standards for Oil and Natural Gas Production. 2018
Beaufort Sea planning area oil and gas lease sales 186, 195, and 202 : final environmental impact statement / 2003
Beaufort Sea planning area sales 186, 195, and 202 : oil and gas lease sale, draft environmental impact statement 2002
Beaufort Sea planning area, oil and gas lease sale 144, draft environmental impact statement / 1995
Biological evaluation for the proposed NPDES general permit for oil and gas exploration, development, and production activities in Cook Inlet, Gulf of Alaska 1992
Causes of wetland loss in the coastal Central Gulf of Mexico / 1988
Coastal Washington : a synthesis of information / 1989
Compendium of greenhouse gas emissions estimation methodologies for the oil and gas industry : pilot test version. 2001
Contemporary technologies for shale-gas water and environmental management / 2012
Control techniques guidelines for the oil and natural gas industry (draft). 2015
Control techniques guidelines for the oil and natural gas industry. 2016
Cook Inlet planning area, oil and gas lease sales 191 and 199 : draft environmental impact statement / 2002
Cook Inlet planning area, oil and gas lease sales 191 and 199 : final environmental impact statement / 2003
Critical review of mercury contamination issues relevant to manometers at natural gas industry sites : topical report : February 1992 - August 1993 / 1993
Development of unconventional hydrocarbon resources in the Appalachian Basin : workshop summary / 2014
Economic benefits of effluent limitation guidelines for the offshore oil and gas facilities : final report / 1993
Ecosystem analysis of oil and gas development on the Texas-Louisiana continental shelf 1981
Emissions from processes producing clean fuels / 1974
Engineering assessment of the technologies used in development and production of oil and gas from offshore areas : draft final report / 1977
Engineering-scale demonstration of thermal desorption technology for manufactured gas plant site soils 1989
Environmental assessment for the new source NPDES Forest Oil Redoubt Shoal Unit production oil and gas development project : Cook Inlet, Alaska / 2002
Environmental information for outer continental shelf oil and gas decisions in Alaska 1994
Environmental problem definition for petroleum refineries, synthetic natural gas plants, and liquefied natural gas plants / 1975
Environmental problems relating to oil and gas production : an initial review. 1974
Environmental protection for onshore oil and gas production operations and leases. 2009
Environmental review of onshore Canadian oil and gas drilling and production activities / 1983
EPA Did Not Use Allegedly Flawed Studies to Estimate Methane Emissions or Set New Source Performance Standards for Oil and Natural Gas Production / 2018
Estimating release of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from coal tar at manufactured-gas plant sites 1992
Fate and effects of nearshore discharges of OCS produced waters. 1991
Final report : California Seabird Ecology Study 1987
Flammable gases and liquids and their hazards 1993
Flammable gases and liquids and their hazards. 1994
Fourth Information Transfer Meeting Conference Proceedings : offshore oil and gas ; risks and benefits / 1989
Fracking : The operations and environmental consequences of hydraulic fracturing / 2013
Gulf of Mexico OCS oil and gas lease sales 169, 172, 175, 178, and 182: central planning area: final environmental impact statement. 1997
Gulf of Mexico OCS oil and gas lease sales 189 and 197 : eastern planning area : draft environmental impact statement / 2002
Gulf of Mexico OCS oil and gas lease sales, 2003-2007 : central planning area sales 185, 190, 194, 198, and 201 : western planning area sales 187, 192, 196, and 2000 : draft environmental impact statement / 2002
Gulf of Mexico regional studies plan. 0
Gulf of Mexico sales 123 and 125 : central and western planning areas : final environmental impact statement / 1989
Gulf of Mexico sales 131, 135, and 137 : central, western, and eastern planning areas : final environmental impact statement / 1990
Gulf of Mexico sales 131, 135, and 137 central, western, and eastern planning areas : draft environmental impact statement / 1990
Gulf of Mexico sales 147 and 150 : central and western planning areas : final environmental impact statement / 1993
Gulf of Mexico sales 166 and 168 : central and western planning areas : draft environmental impact statement / 1996
Gulf of Mexico summary report/index / 1986
Habitat impacts of offshore drilling : Eastern Gulf of Mexico / 1993
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