Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Air pollution aspects of tepee burners used for disposal of municipal refuse / 1966
Alluvial Ground Water Quality Alteration as Related to Solid Waste Disposal Sites in Iowa. Part I. Text. Part II. Appendix. 1973
An assessment of wet systems for residential refuse collection : summary report / 1974
Appendices to a Handbook for Initiating or Improving Commercial Refuse Collection. 1974
Camping and Waste Reduction. 1989
Characterization of vessel wastes in Duluth-Superior Harbor / 1974
Characterization of vessel wastes in Duluth-Superior Harbor. 1974
Collection and Disposal of Solid Waste for the des Moines Metropolitan Area. 1968
Collection, Reduction, and Disposal of Solid Waste in High-Rise Multifamily Dwellings. 1971
Combined Firing Systems for Specific Metropolitan Areas. 1971
Combustion Power Unit-400: Cpu-400. 1969
Conservation of Resources in Municipal Waste. 1971
Dallas' Municipal Solid Waste Management System. A Case Study. 1973
Des Moines Story. A Report on the Implementation of the Solid Waste Management Plan for the Des Moines Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency. 1974
Don't let your next conference go to waste : go for the "green" : planning environmentally sound conferences. 1994
Economic Analysis of the Processing and Disposal of Refuse Sludges. 1974
Effect of Food Waste Grinders on Septic Tank Systems. Report to the Federal Housing Administration. 1961
Effect of Organic Amendments from Garbage Grinding on a Biological Treatment System. 1972
Effects of Community-Wide Installation of Household Garbage-Grinders on Environmental Sanitation. 1974
Emission Inventory of Environmental Pollutants. 1974
Evaluation of an Injury Reporting and Information System for the Solid Waste Industry. Volume I. 1979
Evaluation of an Injury Reporting and Information System for the Solid Waste Industry. Volume II: Data Analyses. 1979
Evaluation of an Injury Reporting and Information System for the Solid Waste Industry. Volume III: Publications. 1979
Evaluation of emissions from the open burning of household waste in barrels : volume 1. technical report / 1997
Evaluation of emissions from the open burning of household waste in barrels : volume 2. appendices A-G / 1997
Feasibility of Hydraulic Transport and Treatment of Ground Household Refuse Through Sewers. 1974
Feasibility of Hydraulic Transport of Ground Household Refuse Through Sewer Appurtenances. 1974
Final environmental impact statement - Part 1, for Subtitle C, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA), appendices / 1980
Final environmental impact statement-Part 1, for Subtitle C, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA) / 1980
Formaldehyde-Contaminated Fog Effects on Plant Growth. 1992
Forsyth County's Solid Waste Management System; A Case Study. 1973
Fresno's Municipal Solid Waste Management System. A Case Study. 1973
Garbage Disposal Units and Home Sewerage Systems. 1952
Germany, garbage, and the green dot : challenging the throwaway society / 1994
Ground Garbage and Household Septic Tank Systems. 1950
High-Pressure Compaction and Baling of Solid Waste. 1972
Houston's Municipal Solid Waste Management System: A Case Study. 1973
Incineration of Plastics Found in Municipal Wastes. 1973
Interim Guide of Good Practice for Incineration at Federal Facilities. 1969
International Research Group on Refuse Disposal (IRGRD). Information Bulletin. Number 32, April 1968. 1969
Investigation of Pollution in the Missouri River. As Aggravated by Garbage Dumping at Omaha, Nebraska. 1952
Jacksonville's Municipal Solid Waste Management System. A Case Study. 1973
Kansas City's Municipal Solid Waste Management System. A Case Study. 1973
LSW-500 Disposal of Air Force Liquid Wastes. 1975
Making a Molehill Out of a Mountain: Reducing the Volume of Residential Construction Waste Designated for Municipal Landfill Sites. 1990
Master Plan for Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Tri-Parish Metropolitan Area of New Orleans. 1969
Mechanized Residential Solid Waste Collection. 1974
Mechanized, non-stop residential solid waste collection / 1974
Memphis' Municipal Solid Waste Management System: A Case Study. 1973
Methods for the Prediction of Solid Waste Characteristics. 1969
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