Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 4806
Showing: Items 1 - 50

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Select Item Title Year Published
... Groundwater in Montana. 1969
1975 national water assessment state regional future Texas gulf region. [review copy]. 1975
1998 follow-up studies to ground water contamination detections / 1999
2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) transformation/sorption in thin-disk soil columns under anaerobic conditions 1996
208 areawide water quality management plan : 1979-1980 / 1980
208 areawide water quality management plan : Appendix A 1980 208 Plan Supplemental Information / 1981
3DFEMWATER/3DLEWASTE : numerical codes for delineating wellhead protection areas in agricultural regions based on the assimilative capacity criterion / 1992
3DFEMWATER/3DLEWASTE : numerical codes for delineating wellhead protection areas in agricultural regions based on the assimilative capacity criterion / 1992
50 ways farmers can protect their groundwater / 1993
A brief compilation of hazardous waste tank damage cases impacting or threatening community drinking water well systems. 1985
A citizen's guide to in situ chemical oxidation. 2012
A citizen's guide to permeable reactive barriers. 2012
A citizen's guide to pump and treat. 2012
A citizen's guide to soil vapor extraction and air sparging. 2012
A citizen's guide to treatment walls. 1996
A citizen's guide to vertical engineered barriers. 2012
A citizen's handbook on groundwater protection / 1984
A civil action / 1996
A comparison of subsurface biodegradation rates of methanol and tertiary butanol in contaminated and uncontaminated sites / 1986
A conceptual framework for ground-water solute-transport studies with emphasis on physical mechanisms of solute movement / 1987
A decision-making framework for cleanup of sites impacted with light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPL). 2005
A demonstration of local/federal implemention of the EPA shallow injection well program in Missoula County, Montana : inventory, inspection, and closure of class V injection wells : final report / 1993
A description of aquifer units in eastern Oregon / 1985
A description of aquifer units in western Oregon / 1983
A dimensionless parameter study of groundwater recharge in Oklahoma / 1971
A Field evaluation of in-situ biodegradation for aquifer restoration / 1987
A field evaluation of in-situ biodegradation for aquifer restoration / 1987
A field evaluation of in-situ biodegradation for aquifer restoration / 1988
A field evaluation of the UV/oxidation technology to treat contaminated groundwater / 1990
A field investigation of effects of septic tank density on ground-water quality in New Mexico / 1986
A field method for measurement of infiltration / 1963
A field screening method for polychlorinated biphenyl compounds in water / 1994
A field study to compare performance of stainless steel research monitoring wells with existing on-farm drinking water wells in measuring pesticide and nitrate concentrations / 1998
A finite element model to predict the flow of underground contaminants due to leakage of chemical and/or radio active material from a buried containment / 1983
A Framework for measuring the economic benefits of ground water. 1995
A geochemical appraisal of oxidation-reduction potential and interpretation of EH measurements of ground water / 1983
A geostatistical methodology to assess the accuracy of unsaturated flow models / 1996
A graphical kernel system (GKS) version of computer program modpath-plot for displaying path lines generated from the U.S. Geological Survey three-dimensional ground-water flow model / 1990
A ground water manual for small communities / 1981
A ground-water monitoring strategy for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency / 1985
A Ground-water protection strategy for the Environmental Protection Agency. 1984
A groundwater protection strategy for Virginia / 1987
A groundwater protection strategy for Virginia : 1990 supplement / 1990
A guide for assessing biodegradation and source identification of organic ground water contaminants using Compound Specific Isotope Analysis (CSIA) [electronic resource] / 2008
A Guide for cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analysis of state and local ground water protection programs. 1993
A Guide for cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analysis of state and local ground water protection programs. 1993
A guide on remedial actions for contaminated ground water / 1989
A guide to on-site remediation of hydrocarbons : special report / 1992
A guide to pump and treat ground-water remediation technology. 1990
A guide to the prevention of ground water contamination by uranium mill wastes / 1982
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