Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 28
Showing: Items 1 - 28

Select Item Title Year Published
A citizen's handbook to address contaminated coal mine drainage. 1997
A dictionary of Latin words and phrases / 1998
A lexicon of cave and karst terminology with special reference to environmental karst hydrology / 1999
Climate Change Resources: Glossary. EPA's State and Local Climate Change Program. 2008
Common Environmental Terms. A Glossary. 1974
Drinking water glossary : a dictionary of technical and legal terms related to drinking water. 1994
EMAP master glossary : project summary / 1994
English-Russian environmental glossary / 1975
Environmental applications of advanced instrumental analyses : assistance projects, FY 72 / 1973
Environmental Applications of Advanced Instrumental Analyses: Assistance Projects, FY 72. 1973
Environmental impact statement glossary : a reference source for EIS writers, reviewers, and citizens 1979
Environmental monitoring and assessment program master glossary / 1993
Environmental Statute Review Course (Computer Based Training on CD-ROM). 1997
Federal way with words 1982
Global biodiversity assessment / 1995
Glosario de ingenieria de aguas residuales : wastewater engineering glossary ; espanol-ingls, English-Spanish / 1998
Glossary of air pollution terms 1979
Glossary of terms from federal air programs. 1995
Operations Manual for Hispanic Community- Based Organizations. 2012
Plain English a user's guide / 1987
Premiere etape : basic French readings / 1937
Putting It All Together, The Case Development Process (Computer Based Training on CD-ROM). 2000
Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System (RCRIS) Data Element Dictionary (DED) (V.6.0.0. w/ Change Pages for 6.0.1, 6.1.0, 6.1.1, 6.1.2., 6.2.0, 6.3.0). 1997
Sisson's word and expression locater 1966
Sisson's word and expression locator 1972
Statistical support document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines and standards for metal products and machinery industry / 2000
Terms of environment : glossary, abbreviations and acronyms. 1993
Terms of environment : glossary, abbreviations, and acronyms. 1997

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