Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 10
Showing: Items 1 - 10
Your Search: (SUBJECT=GAC Granular activated carbon)

Select Item Title Year Published
Design Considerations for GAC (Granular Activated Carbon) Treatment of Organic Chemicals. 1987
Effect of Dissolved Oxygen on Phenols Breakthrough from GAC Adsorbers. 1992
ICR treatment study data collection spreadsheets [electronic resource]. 1997
Modeling Substrate Transport into Biofilms: Role of Multiple Ions and pH Effects. 1993
Modeling TOC (Total Organic Carbon) Removal by GAC (Granular Activated Carbon): The General Logistic Function. 1987
Operating Capacity of GAC Adsorbers: Dissolved Oxygen and Extended Service Life. 1994
Products Identified at an Alternative Disinfection Pilot Plant. 1986
Removal of humic material by conventional treatment and carbon / 1987
Systematic Scanning Electron Microscopy Technique for Evaluating Combined Biological/Granular Activated Carbon Treatment Processes. 1993
What Is Absorbing: The Parent Compound, Its Degradation Intermediates, Or Its Polymers. 1993

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