Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 9
Showing: Items 1 - 9
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Géologie âEtats Unis)

Select Item Title Year Published
Depth to bedrock in North Dakota / 1986
Explanatory text to accompany the Geologic map of the United States / 1974
Geologic and topographic bedrock map of North Dakota / 1983
Geologic map of Illinois / 1967
Lexicon of new formal geologic names of the United States 1981-1985 / 1991
Missouri geology : three billion years of volcanoes, seas, sediments, and erosion / 1992
Petroleum geology of the United States 1970
Quaternary geologic map of the Chesapeake Bay 4À x 6À quadrangle, United States / 1987
Surficial geology of northwest New Mexico / 1978

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