Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
2DFATMIC Two-dimensional subsurface flow, fate and transport of microbes and chemicals model users manual version 1.0 1997
3DFATMIC Three dimensional subsurface flow, fate and transport of microbes and chemicals model user's manual version 1.0 1997
A mathematical analysis of the kinetics of viral inactivation / 1974
A Probabilistic methodology for analyzing water quality effects of urban runoff on rivers and streams : final report. 1989
A sensitivity analysis and preliminary evaluation of RELMAP involving fine and coarse particulate matter / 1987
Absolute analysis / 1973
Adaptation of Gaussian plume model to incorporate multiple station data input. 1975
Air Pollution: Assessment Methodology and Modelling. Fundamentals for the Application of a Gaussian Plume Model. 1979
An SAB report : review of the Sector Facility Indexing Project (SFIP) / 1997
Analysis of cascade impactor data for calculating particle penetration / 1978
Analysis of the Distribution and Dose Response of Chromosome Aberrations in Human Lymphocytes after In vitro Exposure to (137) Cesium Gamma Radiation. 1983
Analyzing Cohort Mortality Data. 1985
Applications of Climatology and Meteorology to Hydrologic Simulation. 1971
Approach to Environmental Risk Assessment Using Avian Toxicity Tests (Journal Version). 1988
Approach to modeling a stream aquifer system for conjunctive management 1994
ASA/EPA Conferences on Interpretation of Environmental Data : II, Statistical issues in combining environmental studies, October 1-2, 1986 : statistics 1986. 1986
Atlas for computing mathematical functions : an illustrated guide for practitioners with programs in Fortran 90 and Mathematica / 1997
Bayesian Approach to Autocorrelation Estimation in Hydrologic Autoregressive Models. 1973
Binary Recursive Partitioning Method for Modeling Hot-Stabilized Emissions from Motor Vehicles. 1997
Bio-Optics of the Chesapeake Bay from Measurements and Radiative Transfer Calculations. 2005
Calibration methodology for the double sample of the national lake survey phase II sampling / 1989
Can organizations change? : Environmental protection, citizen participation, and the Corps of Engineers / 1979
Cascade impactor data reduction with SR-52 and TI-59 programmable calculators / 1978
Clustering Criteria and Multivariate Normal Mixtures. 1981
Clustering of Rare Events. 1983
Comparative Toxicity of Chemicals to Earthworms. 1994
Complex variables and applications 1974
Complex variables and applications. 1960
Composite Estimation Model for Producing Stabilized Health Rate Estimates for Small Areas Using Sample Surveys: Experience from Health Surveys in Ethiopia, India and Indonesia. 1987
Computable analysis : an introduction / 2000
Computation of special functions / 1996
Computer Program for Statistical Analysis of Annual Flood Data by the Log-Pearson Type III Method. 1971
Continued Wetlands Assessment, Inventory, and Prime Wetlands Designation in Hampton and Hampton Falls. 2006
Corps' Environmental Effects of Dredging Programs 1988
Cost-effectiveness analysis of proposed effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the metal products and machinery industry (phase 1) / 1995
Crucial conversations : participant toolkit. 2006
Cubic Spline Smoothing: A Useful Tool for Curve Estimation. 1988
Cumulative Impacts of Oil Fields on Northern Alaskan Landscapes (Journal Version). 1987
Determination of an Empirically Derived IP/TSP Relationship. 1982
Developing Joint Probability Distributions of Soil Water Retention Characteristics. 1988
Development of Representative Driving Patterns at Various Average Route Speeds. 1974
Difficult conversations : how to discuss what matters most / 2010
Diffusion in the Stably Stratified Atmospheric Boundary Layer. 1985
DISFIT : a distribution fitting system / 1981
DISFIT: A Program for Fitting Distributions in Data. 1981
Disjunctive kriging 3. Cokriging / 1986
Distribution and Characterization of PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls) in Lake Michigan Water. 1987
Dose-Effects Functions for Carboxyhemoglobin and Behavior. 1989
Echo Effect in Relativistic Plasma. 1971
Effect of NEPA on Corps studies and projects : (Civil Works) 1970 through 1980. 1981
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