Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 21
Showing: Items 1 - 21
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Fuel switching)

Select Item Title Year Published
A guide to completing your clean alternative fuels conversion notification package : instructions for submitting clean alternative fuels conversion demonstration information to EPA / 2013
A guide to completing your clean alternative fuels conversion notification package : instructions for submitting clean alternative fuels conversion demonstration information to EPA / 2014
A guide to completing your clean alternative fuels conversion notification package : instructions for submitting clean alternative fuels conversion demonstration information to EPA / 2014
A guide to completing your clean alternative fuels conversion notification package : instructions for submitting clean alternative fuels conversion demonstration information to EPA / 2012
A guide to completing your clean alternative fuels conversion notification package : instructions for submitting clean alternative fuels conversion demonstration information to EPA / 2012
A guide to completing your clean alternative fuels conversion notification package : instructions for submitting clean alternative fuels conversion demonstration information to EPA / 2011
Alternative transportation fuels and vehicle technologies : challenges and opportunities : a report of the CSIS Energy and National Security Program, CSIS Global Strategy Institute, and National Renewable Energy Laboratory / 2009
CI engine combustion processes & performance with alternative fuels. 2003
Effect of gasoline additives on gaseous emissions / 1974
Energy, climate change, and alternative fuels 2014. 2014
Evaluation of exhaust emissions from a bi-fueled vehicle operating on liquid and gaseous fuels : topical report / 1995
Fuel / 2010
Fuel cells and alternative fuels/energy systems. 2001
Handbook for analyzing the costs and benefits of alternative aviation turbine engine fuels at airports / 2011
Handbook of alternative fuel technologies / 2007
Handbook of alternative fuel technologies / 2015
Handbook of alternative fuel technologies / 2015
Mobile source alternative fuel technologies : a summary of methanol, ethanol, CNG, LNG, LPG, hydrogen, dimethyl ether, biodiesel, Fischer Tropsch, electric, hybrid-electric, and fuel cell technologies / 1998
Oxygenated and alternative fuels. 2001
Taking an alternative route : alternative fuels, fueling the future. 1994
Taking an alternative route : fueling the future. 1997

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