Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Fuel efficiency)

Select Item Title Year Published
Emissions inventory for air quality modeling technical support document : 2017-2025 light-duty vehicle greenhouse gas final rule. 2012
Evaluation of a remote sensor for mobile source CO emissions / 1991
Fuel Economy Guide, Model Year 2014. 2016
Fuel Economy Guide, Model Year 2015. 2016
Fuel Economy Guide, Model Year 2016. 2016
Peer review for the report "The rebound effect from fuel efficiency standards: measurement and projection to 2035" / 2015
Peer review of the greenhouse gas emissions model (GEM) and EPA's response to comments : phase II / 2015
Progress report on clean and efficient automotive technologies under development at EPA : Interim technical report / 2004
SmartWay Transport : helping the freight industry save fuel, money, and the environment : 2005 annual report / 2006
SmartWay Transportation Partnership Collection. 2007
Solid-Fuel Stove Testing. 2009
The rebound effect from fuel efficiency standards : measurement and projection to 2035 / 2015

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