Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Fruits)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Aerobic treatment of fruit processing wastes : a study of aerated lagoon, activated sludge, and activated sludge reaeration in the treatment of fruit cannery waste. 1969
Air pollution injury to vegetation. 1970
Comparative Evaluation of Biological Type Food Processing Liquid WasteDisposal Systems. 1971
CSFII analysis of food intake distributions. 2003
Development document for interim final and proposed effluent limitations guidelines : and new source performance standards for the fruits, vegetables and specialties segments of the canned and preserved fruits and vegetables point source category. 1975
Dietary consumption distributions of selected food groups for the U.S. population. 1980
Dinocap : position document 4. 1989
Dinocap: Special Review; Technical Support Document. 1986
Eating Systox-Treated Fruit under Controlled Conditions. 1977
Ecological Knowledge and Environmental Problem-Solving: Concepts and Case Studies. 1985
Economic Analysis of Effluent Guidelines: Apple, Citrus and Potato Processing Segments of the Canned and Preserved Fruits and Vegetable Industry. 1975
Economic Impact of Environmental Controls on the Fruit and Vegetable Canning and Freezing Industries. Part I. Executive Summary. 1971
Economic Impact of Environmental Controls on the Fruit and Vegetable Canning and Freezing Industries. Part II. Industry Structure. 1972
Economic Impact of Environmental Controls on the Fruit and Vegetable Canning and Freezing Industries. Part IV. Statistical Supplement. 1971
Effects of glean, a sulfonylurea herbicide on the reporductive biology and fruit set in cherry trees / 1992
Effects of Increasing Doses of Sulfur Dioxide and Ambient Ozone on Tomatoes: Plant Growth, Leaf Injury, Elemental Composition, Fruit Yields, and Quality. 1986
Evaluation of waste citrus activated sludge in poultry feeds {microform} / 1982
Exposure factors handbook / 1989
Exposure factors handbook : volume 2 of 3. Food ingestion factors. 1996
Exposure factors handbook : volume 2, food ingestion factors. 1997
Exposure factors handbook. 1995
Fertilizer and pesticide movement from citrus groves in Florida flatwood soils / 1977
Fruit cannery waste activated sludge as a cattle feed ingredient / 1976
Guidance for industry : guide to minimize microbial food safety hazards for fresh fruits and vegetables / 1998
Investigation of the effects of food standards on pesticide use 1978
National Symposium on Food Processing Wastes Proceedings (1st), held at Portland, Oregon on 6-8 April 1970. 1970
Overview of the fresh pack food industries / 1978
Pesticide fact sheet : Oxyadixyl. 1992
Pollution Abatement in the Fruit and Vegetable Industry. 1. Basics of Pollution Control/Case Histories. 1977
Pollution Abatement in the Fruit and Vegetable Industry. 2. In-Plant Control of Process Wastewater. 1977
Pollution Abatement in the Fruit and Vegetable Industry. 3. Wastewater Treatment. 1977
PR Notice 74-9. Notice to Producers, Formulators, Distributors and Registrants of Pesticides. Notice of Intent to Cancel Registration of Pesticides Containing Binapacryl Bearing Directions for Use on Apples, Grapes and Pears. 1974
Proceedings eighth National Symposium on Food Processing Wastes : March 30 - April 1, 1977, Seattle, Washington / 1977
Proceedings ninth National Symposium on Food Processing Wastes : March 29-31, 1978, Denver, Colorado / 1978
Proceedings of National Symposium on Food Processing Wastes (3rd), held at New Orleans, Louisiana on 28-30 March 1972. 1972
Proceedings Seventh National Symposium on Food Processing Wastes, April 7-9, 1976, Atlanta, Georgia. 1976
Proceedings, Fifth National Symposium on Food Processing Wastes, April 17-19, 1974, Monterey, California : prepared for National Environmental Research Center, Office of Research & Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency / 1974
Protection of Citrus, 1979-March 1986, Citations from AGRICOLA (Agricultural Online Access) Concerning Diseases and Other Environmental Considerations. 1986
Protection of Nut Crops, 1979-April 1991. Citations from AGRICOLA Concerning Diseases and Other Environmental Considerations. 1991
Protection of Pome Fruits, March 1985-May 1992. Citations from AGRICOLA Concerning Diseases and Other Environmental Considerations. 1992
Reclamation and Reuse of Fruit Processing Wastewater. 1978
Report on FQPA tolerance reassessment progress and interim risk management decision : mevinphos. 2000
Significance of food processing by-products as contributors to animal feeds : phase I food processing survey : draft / 1989
Solid waste management in the food processing industry / 1973
Some Economic Aspects of Air Pollution Control with Special Reference to Polk County, Florida. 1968
Studies on Some Potential Health Hazards Associated with Insecticide Residues on Pome Fruits. 1959
Surface treatment agents for protection of shorelines from oil spills / 1984
Survey and Assessment of Air Pollution Damage to California Vegetation in 1970. 1971
The health effect potential of reusing fruit processing wastewater : the health effect potential of reusing treated fruit processing wastewater within a cannery / 1984
The North American initiative : a report of the North American Free Trade Agreement Technical Working Group on Pesticides. 2001
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