Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 25
Showing: Items 1 - 25
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Frogs)

Select Item Title Year Published
A plague of frogs : the horrifying true story / 2000
A plague of frogs : unraveling an environmental mystery / 2002
Advances in ecological research. Volume 5 / 1968
Amphibian toxicity data for water quality criteria chemicals / 1996
Amphibian toxicity data for water quality criteria chemicals / 1996
Amphibians of Ohio : field guide / 2008
Amphibians of Ohio : field guide / 2019
Developmental Malformation of Frog Embryos: An Analysis of Teratogenicity of Chemical Mixtures. 1991
Effect of Prior Exposure on Sodium Uptake in Tadpoles Exposed to Low pH Water. 1986
Effects of 4-ter-Octylphenol on Xenopus tropicalis in a Long Term Exposure. 2011
Frogs & toads of the southeast / 2008
Frogs of the Magela Creek system / 1987
Handbook of frogs and toads of the United States and Canada 1995
Leopard frog populations and mortality in Wisconsin, 1974-76 / 1981
Model of Additive Effects of Mixtures of Narcotic Chemicals. 1991
Novel Amphibian Tier 2 Testing Protocol: A 30-Week Exposure of Xenopus Tropicalis to the Antiandrogen Flutamide. 2007
Past distribution and current status of the spotted frog (Rana pretiosa) in western Washington : 1989 progress report / 1990
Peril in the ponds : deformed frogs, politics, and a biologist's quest / 2012
Sensitivity of vertebrate embryos to boron compounds : April 1977 : final report / 1977
Sensitivity of Vertebrate Embryos to Heavy Metals as a Criterion of Water Quality. 1973
Short-Term Toxicity of Five Oil s to Four Freshwater Species. 1982
Structure-Activity Relationships for Osteolathyrism. 1. Effects of Altering the Semicarbazide Structure. 1988
The laboratory Xenopus sp. / 2010
The salamanders and frogs of Iowa / 1991
Toxicity of Guthion (Trade Name) and Guthion (Trade Name) 2S to 'Xenopus laevis' Embryos. 1994

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