Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 42
Showing: Items 1 - 42
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Formats)

Select Item Title Year Published
A Guide to developing and documenting cost estimates during the feasibility study / 2000
An SAB advisory on the National Drinking Water Contaminant Occurrence Database / 1998
BEES 2.0 : building for environmental and economic sustainability, technical manual and user guide / 2000
Chemical mass balance model : EPA-CMB8.2 / 2000
CMB8: New Software for Chemical Mass Balance Receptor Modeling. 1997
Consumer labeling initiative, phase I report / 1996
Database Management Plan for the Oregon Wetland Study. 1997
Descriptive cataloging for the AACR2R and USMARC : a how-to-do-it workbook / 1991
Development of the EIIP Emission Inventory Data Model for Purposes of Facilitating Data Transfer between the States and U.S. EPA. 1997
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program methods format guidance / 1995
Environmental monitoring and assessment program overview : methods format guidance. 1995
EPA Electronic Reporting (40 CFR 75.62, 75.63, 75.64). Version 1.3. 1995
EPA's Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) Control Policy 1994
Guidance for Preparing a Facility Plan, Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants Program. 1975
Guide to documenting and managing cost and performance information for remediation projects / 1998
Guidelines and format for methods to be proposed at 40 CFR part 136 or part 141 / 1996
IDEA User's Guide: Integrated Data for Enforcement Analysis. 1996
Information Collection Rule (ICR) Water Utility Database System, Release 1.0 (for Microcomputers). 1996
Information Collection Rule (ICR) Water Utility Database System, Release 1.1 (for Microcomputers). 1996
OWPE Document Preparation Guide, Volume 6. Agency and Public-Oriented Documents. 1995
OWPE Document Preparation Guide. Volume 1. General Correspondence. 1995
OWPE Document Preparation Guide. Volume 10. Concurrence on Litigation Referrals/Settlements. 1995
OWPE Document Preparation Guide. Volume 11. Appendices. 1995
OWPE Document Preparation Guide. Volume 2. AX/AL and SWER. 1995
OWPE Document Preparation Guide. Volume 3. OWPE Assignments. 1995
OWPE Document Preparation Guide. Volume 4. White House. 1995
OWPE Document Preparation Guide. Volume 8. Office Director's Policies. 1995
Pesticide registration (PR) notice 2000-1 : notice to manufacturers, formulators, producers and registrants and importers of pesticide products. 2001
Pesticide registration (PR) notice 2000-3 : notice to manufacturers, formulators, producers and registrants and importers of pesticide products. 2000
PICTURE Perfect: In Depth Look at the PICTURE Format. 2004
PR Notice 86-5. Notice to Producers, Formulators, Distributors and Registrants. 1986
PR Notice 89-3. Notice to Registrants Subject to Reregistration Phase 3. Format Standards for Reregistration Phase 3 Summaries and Reformatted Versions of Studies Previously Submitted under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and Certain Provisions of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA). 1989
Practical cataloguing : AACR, RDA and MARC21 / 2012
Procedures for preparing emission factor documents 1997
Requirements for locational data in the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS). 1998
SAS Formats: Uses and Abuses. 2003
SEDD - Our Vision. 2011
Technical information policy and guide of the Office of Research and Development. 1991
The Columbia guide to online style / 1998
Toxic Release Inventory Basic Data File Format Documentation. 2012
User's guide for the urban airshed model : volume IV : user's manual for the emissions preprocessor system 2.0 / 1992
Water Sector Security Workshops (2005). 2006

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