Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Forest Conservation)

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Select Item Title Year Published
10 things you never knew about the USDA Forest Service / 2003
Ancient forests of the Pacific Northwest 1990
Burning season : the murder of Chico Mendes and the fight for the Amazon rain forest / 1990
Conservationist's guide to national forest planning 1981
Conserving forest biodiversity : a comprehensive multiscaled approach / 2002
Conserving the forests of the Chesapeake : the status, trends and importance of forests for the bay's sustainable future / 1996
Deforestation : technical support package. 1995
Disappearing wetlands in eastern Arkansas, 1970
Eastern old-growth forests : prospects for rediscovery and recovery / 1996
Ecohydrologic impacts of rangeland fire on runoff and erosion : a literature synthesis / 2016
Finding the mother tree / 2021
Forest friendly development : Chesapeake Bay Watershed case studies, 2005. 2005
Forest magazine. 1999
Forest Service : management of reforestation program has improved, but problems continue : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Public Lands, National Parks and Forests, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, U.S. Senate / 1994
Forested tidal wetland communities of shore of Maryland's eastern shore / 2004
Forestry as a response to global warming : an analysis of the Guatemala agroforestry and carbon sequestration project / 1989
Forests at the wildland-urban interface : conservation and management / 2005
Forests in the balance : linking tradition and technology, abstracts / 2005
FY91 forest health monitoring : western pilot operations report / 1992
Geospatial applications for natural resources management / 2018
Headwaters Forest Reserve draft resource management plan/EIS/EIR : draft / 2002
High-latitude rainforests and associated ecosystems of the west coast of the Americas : climate, hydrology, ecology, and conservation / 1996
Illinois resource management : forest conservation teacher's manual / 1967
Implementation procedures for the habitat conservation plan riparian forest restoration strategy for westside planning units excluding the Olympic Experimental State Forest 2006
In a dark wood the fight over forests and the rising tyranny of ecology / 1995
Last rain forests a world conservation atlas / 1990
Legacy of Luna : the story of a tree, a woman, and the struggle to save the redwoods / 2001
Legacy of Luna : the story of a tree, a woman, and the struggle to save the redwoods / 2000
Low-access forests and their level of protection in North America / 2002
Maintaining biodiversity in forest ecosystems 1999
Management of tropical moist forest lands ecological guidelines / 1991
Market and Government Failures in Environmental Management : Wetlands and Forests. 1992
Missouri forests : their history, values, & management / 1991
Model formulation, development and validation for the San Bernadino forest ecosystem study : summary, part I. 1974
Monitoring and research strategy for forests : environmental monitoring and assessment program (EMAP) / 1992
National forest planning : a conservationist's handbook / 1983
National forest yearbook 1999 : a heritage at risk from logging, recreation, grazing, mining, road building, land trades and more. 1999
Once and future forest : a guide to forest restoration strategies / 1998
Proceedings of the Pan American Furniture Manufacturers' Symposium on Tropical Hardwoods 1991
Proceedings of the second Pan American Furniture Manufacturers' Symposium on Tropical Hardwoods 1992
Project portfolio forests / 1992
Publications of the Forest Response Program : documents published and in press / 1990
Record of decision and summary : application for transportation and utility systems and facilities for the village at Wolf Creek final environmental impact statement / 2006
Report of the President's Advisory Panel on Timber and the Environment. 1973
Response of forest trees to sulfur, nitrogen, and associated pollutants / 1990
Review and Evaluation of Dendrochronological Methods / 1987
Revised Jefferson National Forest plan : a guide for the future / 2004
Saving the forests : what will it take? / 1993
Science biodiversity and sustainable forestry 2005
Search for a solution : sustaining the land, people, and economy of the Blue Mountains / 1996
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