Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
2006 ASHRAE handbook : refrigeration. 2006
Aerated lagoon treatment of food processing wastes / 1968
Agrochemical Hazards in Aquatic Systems and Evaluation of Such Hazards with Emphasis on Developing Countries. 1983
American catch : the fight for our local seafood / 2014
American organic : a cultural history of farming, gardening, shopping, and eating / 2015
Americans and GM food knowledge, opinion and interest in 2004 / {electronic publication} : 2004
An industrial waste guide to the fruit processing industry. 1962
Analysis of food samples for total arsenic content / 1986
Animal cloning and the production of food products : perspectives from the food chain : proceedings from a workshop / 2002
Assigning Values to Non-Detected/Non-Quantified Pesticide Residues in Human Health Food Exposure Assessments. 2000
Available Information on Assessing Exposure from Pesticides in Food: A User's Guide. 2000
Child-specific exposure factors handbook / 2008
Child-specific exposure factors handbook / 2002
Child-specific exposure factors handbook [and] Highlights of the child-specific exposure factors handbook. 2009
Chronic Oral Toxicity and Carcinogenicity Study with Formal Dehyde in Rats, Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism of Ingested and Inhaled Formaldehyde with Cover Letter dated 04/19/88. 1988
Cooking in the moment : a year of seasonal recipes / 2011
CSFII analysis of food intake distributions. 2003
Determination of Arsenic and Arsenicals in Foods and Other Biological Materials. 1977
Dictionary of nutraceuticals and functional foods / 2006
Doctoring Apparatus and System. 1976
Draft Criteria Document for 1,1,1-Trichloroethane. 1984
Draft Criteria Document for Benzene. 1984
Draft Criteria Document for Tetrachloroethylene. 1984
Duty to disclose : the failure of food companies to disclose risks of genetically engineered crops to shareholders / 2004
Eat where you live : how to find and enjoy local and sustainable food no matter where you live / 2008
Eco-foods guide : what's good for the earth is good for you / 2002
Economic Analysis of Effluent Guidelines for Seafood Processing Industry. (Fish Meal, Salmon, Bottom Fish, Clams, Oysters, Sardines, Scallops, Herring, Abalone). 1975
Economic Impact Analysis of Effluent Guidelines: Animal Feed, Breakfast Cereal and Wheat Starch Segments of the Grain Mills Industry. 1975
Economic impact of environmental controls on the fruit and vegetable canning and freezing industries : a report to the Council on Environmental Quality / 1971
Environmental politics casebook : genetically modified foods / 2002
EPA/USDA workshop on Bt Crop Resistance Management in cotton, Memphis, Tennessee, August 26, 1999 / 1999
EPA/USDA workshop on Bt Crop Resistance Management, Rosemont, Illinois, June 18, 1999 / 1999
Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) Scientific Support and Decision Document for Grain and Grain Milling Fumigation Uses. 1984
Example exposure scenarios. 2004
Farmageddon 2012
Fast food nation : the dark side of the all-American meal / 2005
Fast food nation : the dark side of the all-American meal / 2002
Fast food nation : the dark side of the all-American meal / 2001
Food, inc. : Mendel to Monsanto--the promises and perils of the biotech harvest / 2003
Fruits of progress : growing sustainable farming and food systems / 2002
Future fish : issues in science and regulation of transgenic fish : a report / 2003
Future fish : issues in science and regulation of transgenic fish : an overview of a report / 2003
Genetic roulette : the documented health risks of genetically engineered foods / 2007
Genetically altered foods and your health 2004
GM crops : the global socio-economic and environmental impact : the first nine years 1996-2004 / 2005
GM food : who decides? : an analysis of decision-making about genetically modified crops in developing countries / 2005
Grade A Dry Milk Products. Recommended Sanitation Ordinance and Code for Dry Milk Products Used in Grade A Pasteurized Milk Products. 1959
Green food shopper : an activist's guide to changing the food system / 1997
Happier meals : rethinking the global meat industry / 2005
Harvest of fear / 2001
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