Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Fluorine)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A study of industrial data on candidate chemicals for testing : research request no. 2 / 1978
A washability and analytical evaluation of potential pollution from trace elements in coal : prepared for Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development / 1978
Aatgaerder mot klimatfoeraendringar. (Measures against climatic change). 1992
Adsorption of Organic Compounds from Water with Porous Poly(Tetrafluoroethylene). 1984
Aerosol industry success in reducing CFC (Chlorofluorocarbon) propellant usage / 1989
Air Conservation. Volume 11, Number 2(58), 1977. 1978
Air pollution by fluorine compounds from primary aluminium smelting. 1973
Allocating chlorofluorocarbon permits who gains, who loses, and what is the cost? / {microform} : 1981
Alternatives for Hazardous Waste Management in the Inorganic Chemicals Industry. 1977
Analysis of costs for the treatment of dental fluorosis / 1987
Analysis of Selected Samples for Metals Uptake. 1979
Applying fabric filtration to refuse-fired boilers : a pilot-scale investigation / 1978
Bethe Goldstone Equation in Finite Nuclei. Technical Report No. 71-115. 1971
Biological Effects of Pesticides on the Dungeness Crab. 1977
Chemical technology and economics in environmental perspectives ; Task III chlorofluorocarbon emission control in selected end-use applications. 1976
Classified bibliography of publications concerning fluorine and its compounds in relation to man, animals, and their environment, including effects on plants. 1950
Compound 1080 : position document 4 / 1985
Compound 1080 and 1081 : position document 1 / 1976
Contamination of Surface and Ground Water with Pesticides Applied to Cotton. 1972
Continuous absorption of fluorine-containing waste gas 1982
Continuous Absorption of Fluorine-Containing Waste Gas. 1982
Damage of Fluorine-Indicator Plants in the Wild Flora, (Fluorschaden - Weiserpilanzen in der Wildilora). 1974
Demonstration of a long-range atmospheric tracer system using perfluorocarbons / 1981
Detection of Chemically Induced Aneuploidy by the 'Vicia faba' Root Tip Assay (Journal Version). 1988
Draft risk assessment of the potential human health effects associated with exposure to perfluorooctanoic acid and its salts. 2005
Draft toxicological profile for fluorine, hydrogen fluoride, and fluorides / 2001
Economic availability of byproduct fluorine in the United States (in two sections) 1973
Economic impact assessment of a chlorofluorocarbon production cap support document, section 6, proposed rule, toxic substances control act / {microform} : 1981
Economic Impact of Regulating Chlorofluorocarbon Emissions from Aerosols: A Retrospective Study. 1983
Economic implications of regulating chlorofluorocarbon emissions from nonaerosol applications : an executive briefing. 1980
Economic implications of regulating chlorofluorocarbon emissions from nonaerosol applications : an executive briefing. 1980
Economic implications of regulating chlorofluorocarbon emissions from nonaerosol applications. 1980
Effect of Acid Gases on the Pigment Composition of the Leaves of Trees and Lawn Plants (Vliyanie Kislykh Gazov na Pigmentnyi Sostav Listev Drevesnykh i Gazonykh Rastenii). 1971
Effects of Diflubenzuron on a Complex Laboratory Stream Community. 1981
Effects of fluorides in animals. 1974
Effects of Type I and II Pyrethroids on Motor Activity and the Acoustic Startle Response in the Rat (Journal Version). 1987
Electrostatic Potentials of Some Dibenzo-p-Dioxins in Relation to Their Biological Activities (Journal Version). 1987
Emissions of Vapor-Phase Fluorine and Ammonia from the Columbia Coal-Fired Power Plant. 1985
Environmental hazard assessment of one and two carbon fluorocarbons / 1974
Environmental hazard assessment report : major one- and two-carbon saturated fluorocarbons / 1976
Environmental Regulations and Technology: The Dry Cleaning Industry. 1981
Evaluation of emissions and control techniques for reducing fluoride emissions from gypsum ponds in the phosphoric acid industry / 1978
Evaluation of Refrigerant from Mobile Air Conditioners. 1989
Evaluation of trace element release from fluidized-bed combustion systems / 1978
Experimental Investigation of PIC Formation during the Incineration of Recovered CFC-11. 1994
Fate of halogenated compounds in the atmosphere : interim report - 1977 / 1978
Flexible urethane foams and chlorofluorocarbon emissions : a support document for economic implications of regulating chlorofluorocarbon emissions from nonaerosol applications. 1980
Flexible Urethane Foams and Chlorofluorocarbon Emissions. 1980
Fluoridation 1972
Fluoridation : the great dilemma / 1978
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