Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Fluidization)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Advances in fluidization engineering 1990
Advances in fluidized systems 1991
Alternatives to calcium-based SO2 sorbents for fluidized-bed combustion : conceptual evaluation / 1978
Biological fluidised bed treatment of water and wastewater / 1981
Characterizaton of solid residues from fluidized-bed combustion units / 1978
Chemically active fluid bed process for sulfur removal during gasification of carbonaceous fuels : project summary / 1988
Chemically active fluid-bed process for sulphur removal during gasification of heavy fuel oil : fourth phase / 1979
Chemically active fluid-bed process for sulphur removal during gasification of heavy fuel oil : second phase / 1974
Chemically active fluid-bed process for sulphur removal during gasification of heavy fuel oil : second phase / 1973
Coal combustion : report / 1976
Effect of SO2 emission requirements on fluidized-bed combustion systems : preliminary technical/economic assessment / 1978
Evaluation and demonstration of the chemically active fluid bed / 1984
Evaluation of electrofluidized bed / 1976
Evaluation of trace element release from fluidized-bed combustion systems / 1978
Expanded bed biological treatment / 1978
Experimental and engineering support for the CAFB demonstration : residue disposal/utilization / 1984
First trails of CAFB pilot plant on coal / 1977
Fluid bed incineration of petroleum refinery wastes / 1971
Fluid-particle processes : fundamentals and applications / 1993
Fluidization 1985
Fluidization : application to coal conversion processes 1978
Fluidization and fluid particle systems : recent advances 1985
Fluidization and fluid particle systems : theories and applications 1984
Fluidization and fluid particle systems fundamentals and applications / 1989
Fluidization and fluid-particle systems : theories and applications 1983
Fluidization engineering fundamentals and applications / 1988
Fluidization proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Fluidization, May 29-June 3, 1983, Kashikojima, Japan / 1984
Fluidization V : proceedings of the Fifth Engineering Foundation Conference on Fluidization, May 18-23, 1986, Elsinore, Denmark ; Knud ¢stergaard and Ansgar S²rensen, editors. 1986
Fluidized bed clarification as applied to wastewater treatment, 1972
Fluidized bed combustion and applied technology : the first international symposium 1984
Fluidized bed combustion process evaluation : (phase I-residual oil gasification/desulfurization demonstration at atmospheric pressure) : volume II-appendixes / 1975
Fluidized bed combustion process evaluation : phase II--pressurized fluidized bed coal combustion development / 1975
Fluidized processes theory and practice / 1992
Fluidized vortex incineration of waste / 1976
Fluidized-bed gasification of peat, lignite, subbituminous, and pretreated bituminous coal / 1984
Fluidized-bed gasification of peat, lignite, subbituminous, and pretreated bituminous coal / 1984
Fluidized-bed incineration of selected carbonaceous industrial wastes / 1972
Heat transfer in fluidized beds / 1970
Investigation of fluid bed combustion of municipal solid waste / 1985
Laboratory feasability studies for the fluidized-bed combustion of spent potlining from aluminum reduction / 1984
Miniplant studies of pressurized fluidized-bed coal combustion : third annual report / 1978
New developments in fluidization and fluid-particle systems 1987
Pilot plant study of conversion of coal to low sulfur fuel / 1977
Pollution control implications of fluidized bed technology for coal-fired steam electric power generation / 1982
Proceedings of second International Conference on Fluidized-bed Combustion. 1970
Proceedings of the fifth International Conference on Fluidized-Bed Combustion 1978
Proceedings of the sixth International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, April 9-11, 1980, Atlanta Hilton, Atlanta, Georgia / 1980
Proceedings of third International Conference on Fluidized-Bed Combustion : [held October 29-November 1, 1972 at Hueston Woods Lodge, College Corner, Ohio] / 1973
Recent advances in fluidization and fluid-particle systems 1981
Reduction of atmospheric pollution by the application of fluidized-bed combustion : annual report, July 1970-June 1971 / 1972
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