Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1510
Showing: Items 151 - 200
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Flue gases)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Characterization of Stack Emissions from Municipal Refuse-to-Energy Systems. 1986
Charged droplet scrubber for fine particle control : pilot demonstration / 1976
Chemical composition of particulate air pollutants from fossil-fuel combustion sources : final report / 1973
Chemical speciation of flue gas desulfurization (FGD) sludge constituents / 1981
Chemical speciation of flue gas desulfurization sludge constituents 1981
Chemically active fluid-bed process for sulphur removal during gasification of heavy fuel oil : fourth phase / 1979
Chlorine absorption in S(IV) solutions [electronic resource] / 2001
Cleaning of flue gases from waste combustors / 1989
Cleaning of Flue Gases from Waste Combustors, 1990. 1990
Cleaning of Municipal Waste Incinerator Flue Gas in Europe. 1988
Coal Cleaning Options for SO2 Emission Reduction. 1985
Coal Fired Power Plant Trace Element Study. Volume I. A Three Station Comparison. 1975
Coal Fired Power Plant Trace Element Study. Volume II. Station I. Volume III. Station II. Volume IV. Station III. 1975
Coal resources and sulfur emissions regulations : a summary of eight eastern and midwestern states / 1981
Coal Utility Environmental Cost (CUECost) (Raw Data File on Diskette). 1999
Coal-cleaning and flue gas desulfurization computer model users manual / 1987
Coal-Cleaning and Flue Gas Desulfurization Computer Model. User's Manual. 1986
Collaborative study of method 10 - reference method for determination of carbon monoxide emissions from stationary sources - report of testing / 1975
Collaborative study of method 104 - reference method for determination of beryllium emission from stationary sources / 1974
Collaborative study of method for determination of stack gas velocity and volumetric flow rate in conjunction with EPA method 5 / 1974
Collaborative study of method for stack gas analysis and determination of moisture fraction with use of Method 5 / 1974
Collaborative study of method for the determination of nitrogen oxide emissions from stationary sources (fossil fuel-fired steam generators) / 1973
Collaborative study of method for the determination of particulate matter emissions from stationary sources (fossil fuel-fired steam generators) / 1974
Collaborative study of method for the determination of particulate matter emissions from stationary sources (municipal incinerators) / 1974
Collaborative study of method for the determination of particulate matter emissions from stationary sources (Portland cement plants) / 1974
Collaborative study of method for the determination of sulfur dioxide emissions from stationary sources (fossil fuel-fired steam generators) / 1973
Collaborative study of particulate emissions measurements by EPA methods 2, 3, and 5 using paired particulate sampling trains (municipal incinerators) / 1976
Collection efficiencies of stack sampling sytsems for vanadium emissions in flue gases / 1976
Combined Flue Gas Desulfurization and Water Treatment in Coal-Fired Power Plants. 1979
Combined mercury and sulfur oxides control using calcium-based sorbents {micofiche} / 1998
Combustion additives for pollution control : a state-of-the-art review / 1977
Combustion and incineration processes / 2002
Combustion and incineration processes : applications in environmental engineering / 2010
Combustion control of pollutants from multi-burner coal-fired systems / 1974
Combustion efficiency optimization manual for operators of oil- and gas-fired boilers / 1983
Combustion Modification Tests on a Subscale Cement Kiln for NOx Reduction. 1984
Combustion of hydrothermally treated coals / 1978
Combustion products from the incineration of plastics / 1973
Commercial development of the ADVACATE process for flue gas desulfurization / 1990
Commercial Utility Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems. 1984
Compact sampling system for collection of particulates from stationary sources / 1974
Comparative U.S./USSR tests of hot-side electrostatic precipitator / 1977
Comparison of a revised area source algorithm for the industrial source complex short term model and wind tunnel data. 1992
Comparison of flue gas desulfurization, coal liquefaction, and coal gasification for use at coal-fired power plants / 1975
Comparison of Pilot Data with Predictions from the U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) SPRAYMOD Computer Program. 1986
Comparison of the availability and reliability of equipment in the electric utility industry / 1979
Comparison of West German and U.S. flue gas desulfurization and selective catalytic reduction costs / 1990
Comprehensive assessment of the specific compounds present in combustion processes. Volume 4, National estimates of specific compounds from coal fired utility boiler plants / 1985
Comprehensive report to Congress : proposals received in response to the Clean Coal Technology IV Program opportunity notice. 1991
Comprehensive standards : the power generation case. 1978
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