Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Flue gases Desulphurization)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1993 SO2 Control Symposium. 1993
Adipic acid-enhanced lime/limestone test results at the EPA alkali scrubbing test facility : capsule report. 1982
Advanced concepts, SO2 removal process improvements / 1978
Advanced concepts, SO2 removal process improvements / 1978
Ammonia absorption/ammonium bisulfate regeneration pilot plant for flue gas desulfurization / 1977
Ammonium sulfate and bisulfate formation in air preheaters / 1982
Ammonium sulfate and bisulfate formation in air preheaters {microform} / 1982
Bahco flue gas desulfurization and particulate removal system / 1979
Bahco flue gas desulfurization and particulate removal system : capsule report. 1979
Beneficial reuse of lime softening residuals for flue gas desulfurization 1997
Chemical speciation of flue gas desulfurization sludge constituents 1981
Comparison of the availability and reliability of equipment in the electric utility industry / 1979
Computerized FGD byproduct production and marketing system : users manual / 1979
Computerized Shawnee lime/limestone scrubbing model users manual / 1981
Conceptual design of a Gulf Coast lignite-fired atmospheric fluidized-bed power plant : final report / 1979
Continuous emission monitoring guidelines 1984
Continuous emission monitoring guidelines 1993 update / 1993
Controlling SO2 emissions from coal-fired steam-electric generators : solid waste impact / 1978
Controlling SO2 emissions from coal-fired steam-electric generators : solid waste impact / 1978
Cost analysis of lime-based flue gas desulfurization systems for new 500-MW utility boilers / 1979
Definitive SOx control process evaluations : aqueous carbonate and Wellman-Lord (acid, Allied Chemical, and Resox) FGD technologies / 1981
Definitive SOx control process evaluations : limestone, double-alkali, and citrate FGD processes / 1979
Definitive SOx control process evaluations : limestone, lime, and magnesia FGD processes / 1980
Demonstration of sorbent injection technology on a tangentially coal-fired utility boiler (Yorktown LIMB demonstration) : project summary / 1994
Demonstration of sorbent injection technology on a tangentially coal-fired utility boiler (Yorktown LIMB demonstration) : project summary / 1994
Demonstration of sorbent injection technology on a wall-fired utility boiler (Edgewater LIMB demonstration) / 1992
Demonstration of sorbent injection technology on a wall-fired utility boiler (Edgewater LIMB demonstration) : project summary / 1992
Demonstration of Wellman-Lord/Allied Chemical FGD technology : acceptance test results / 1979
Demonstration of Wellman-Lord/Allied Chemical FGD technology : demonstration test first year results / 1979
Demonstration of Wellman-Lord/Allied Chemical FGD technology : final report and demonstration test second year results / 1981
Development of a mathematical basis for relating sludge properties to FGD-scrubber operating variable / 1978
Development of sorbent injection criteria for sulfur oxides control from tangentially fired coal boilers : project summary / 1988
Development of the Westvaco activated carbon process for SOx recovery as elemental sulfur / 1976
Disposal of by-products from nonregenerable flue gas desulfurization systems : initial report / 1974
Disposal of flue gas desulfurization wastes : Shawnee field evaluation / 1980
Disposal of spent sorbent from dry FGD processes / 1983
Economic and design factors for flue gas desulfurization technology 1979
Economic evaluation of advanced limestone, Davy S-H, and Dowa gypsum-producing FGD processes / 1985
Economic evaluation of limestone and lime flue gas desulfurization processes / 1984
Economic evaluation of limestone and lime flue gas desulfurization processes / 1983
Economics of disposal of lime/limestone scrubbing wastes : sludge/flyash blending and gypsum systems / 1979
Effect of trace metals and sulfite oxidation on adipic acid degradation in FGD systems / 1983
Effect of trace metals and sulfite oxidation on adipic acid degradation in FGD systems {MICROFICHE} 1982
Effective control of secondary water pollution from flue gas desulfurization systems / 1977
Effects of flue gas desulfurization (FGD) system additives on solid by-products 1995
Electric utilities' use of flue gas desulfurization technology in the United States 1977
Electric utility steam generating units : Flue gas desulfurization capabilities as of October 1978 / 1979
Environmental effects of trace elements in the pond disposal of ash and flue gas desulfurization sludge final report / 1975
EPA alkali scrubbing test facility : advanced program, final report (October 1974-June 1978) / 1980
EPA alkali scrubbing test facility : sodium carbonate and limestone test results / 1973
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