Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
... urban mobility report. 2001
1978 needs survey : conveyance and treatment of municipal wastewater summaries of technical data. 1979
2002 urban mobility report 2002
208 planning in Illinois for federal funding years 1977 through 1981 1982
2DFATMIC Two-dimensional subsurface flow, fate and transport of microbes and chemicals model users manual version 1.0 1997
3DFATMIC Three dimensional subsurface flow, fate and transport of microbes and chemicals model user's manual version 1.0 1997
3DFEMWATER/3DLEWASTE : numerical codes for delineating wellhead protection areas in agricultural regions based on the assimilative capacity criterion / 1992
3DFEMWATER/3DLEWASTE : numerical codes for delineating wellhead protection areas in agricultural regions based on the assimilative capacity criterion / 1992
3DHYDROGEOCHEM : a 3-dimensional model of density-dependent subsurface flow and thermal multispecies-multicomponent HYDROGEOCHEMical transport / 1999
3DHYDROGEOCHEM, a 3-Dimensional model of density-dependent subsurface flow and thermal multispecies-multicomponent HYDROGEOCHEMical transport : project summary / 1999
A basic research model of natural gas combustion in turbulent flow / 1990
A case study of the Los Angeles County Palos Verdes landfill gas development project / 1977
A combined potential and momentum roll-up model for the jet in cross flow / 1972
A comparison of innovative technology for thermal destruction of hazardous waste / 1984
A comparison of three flooding regimes Atchafalaya Basin, Louisiana / 1978
A decision-making framework for cleanup of sites impacted with light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPL). 2005
A field method for measurement of infiltration / 1963
A geostatistical methodology to assess the accuracy of unsaturated flow models / 1996
A graphical kernel system (GKS) version of computer program modpath-plot for displaying path lines generated from the U.S. Geological Survey three-dimensional ground-water flow model / 1990
A guide to methods and standards for the measurement of water flow / 1975
A hydrogeologic investigation of a fractured, carbonate aquifer in the Chester Valley, Upper Merion, Pennsylvania / 1989
A joint research proposal on the prediction of mineral quality of return flow water from irrigated land [by] Bureau of Reclamation and Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Dept. of the Interior. 1969
A laboratory study to investigate gaseous emissions and solids decomposition during composting of municipal solid wastes [electronic resource] / 2003
A lagrangian approach to modelling air pollutant dispersion; Development and testing in the vicinity of a roadway. 1979
A lexicon of cave and karst terminology with special reference to environmental karst hydrology / 2002
A lexicon of cave and karst terminology with special reference to environmental karst hydrology / 1999
A mean turbulent field closure model of air flow within and above vegetative canopies / 1975
A mesoscale windfield analysis of the Los Angeles basin / 1977
A method for predicting the performance of natural draft cooling towers / 1970
A model of virus transport in unsaturated soil. 1992
A modular finite-element model (MODFE) for areal and axisymmetric ground-water flow problems. Part 2. Derivation of finite-element equations and comparisons with analytical solutions / 1992
A modular three-dimensional finite-difference ground-water flow model / 1988
A modular three-dimensional finite-difference ground-water flow model / 1988
A numerical and experimental study of stably stratified flow around complex terrain / 1976
A passive flow measurement system for storm and combined sewers / 1976
A portable device for measuring wastewater flow in sewers / 1974
A possible decision structure for environmental management / 1975
A preliminary evaluation of the geohydrology and water quality of the Greenacres landfill area, Spokane County, Washington / 1986
A pressure sewer system demonstration / 1972
A Probabilistic methodology for analyzing water quality effects of urban runoff on rivers and streams : final report. 1989
A regional assessment of the economic and environmental benefits of an irrigation scheduling service / 1980
A SASOL-type process for gasoline, methanol, SNG and low-BTU gas from coal / 1974
A standard procedure for cost analysis of pollution control operations / 1979
A state-of-the-art report on intake technologies / 1976
A study of air flow patterns in the San Francisco Bay Area. 1970
A study of combustor flow computations and comparison with experiment / 1973
A Study of deep ocean currents near the 3800m low-level radioactive waste disposal site : May 1984 - May 1986 / 1988
A study of nitrate respiration in the activated sludge process / 1980
A study of prospective water pollution control activities for the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (ORSANCO). 1975
A study on the accuracy of type-S pitot tubes / 1977
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