Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 43
Showing: Items 1 - 43
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Flexography)

Select Item Title Year Published
Alternate VOC control technique options for small rotogravure and flexography facilities / 1992
Alternate VOC control technique options for small rotogravure and flexography facilities / 1992
Alternative VOC control technique options for small rotogravure and flexography facilities : project summary / 1993
An Evaluation of flexographic inks on wide-web film : summary booklet. 2002
Announcing the New DfE Website at: 1997
Assessment of pollution prevention opportunities for five industries : final report / 1995
Best demonstrated control technology for graphic arts / 1991
Control of volatile organic emissions from existing stationary sources : volume VIII : graphic arts - Rotogravure and flexography 1978
Design for the Environment caso de estudio 1 del proyecto de flexograia : reducción de VOC en la flexografía. 1997
Design for the Environment Caso de Estudio 2 Del Proyecto de Flexografia : Aprendiendo de tres compa n ias que redujeron las emisiones de VOC. 1997
Design for the Environment flexography case study 1 : reducing VOCs in flexography. 1997
Design for the Environment flexography case study 2 : learning from three companies that reduced VOC emissions. 1997
Design for the environment flexography project : focusing on flexo inks. 1996
Destruction of Air Emissions Using Catalytic Oxidation. 1988
Destruction of volatile organic compounds using catalytic oxidation / 1988
Destruction of Volatile Organic Compounds Using Catalytic Oxidation. 1990
Developing cleaner ink formulations : a flowchart for ink formulators. 2002
DfE Flexography Partnership 2003
Economic impact analysis for the printing and publishing NESHAP : draft. 1995
Economic impact analysis for the printing and publishing NESHAP. 1996
EPA Office of Compliance Sector Notebook Project : Profile of the printing and publishing industry. 1995
Evaluation card : Design for the Environment flexography project / 1998
Evaluation of Barriers to the Use of Radiation Cured Coatings in Wide-Web Flexographic Printing. 1997
Evaluation of Innovative Ink Feed Systems for the Flexographic and Gravure Printing Industries. 1994
Evaluations of Emissions and Control Technologies in the Graphic Arts Industries. 1970
Flexographic Ink Options : a Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment. 2002
Fugitive Emission Reductions Due to the Use of Enclosed Doctor Blade Systems in the Flexographic and Rotogravure Printing Industries. 1998
How to order DfE's Flexography Partnership materials. 2002
Ink and cleaner waste reduction evaluation for flexographic printers / 1993
Inside Flexo : a cleaner run for the money. 1998
National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP) for the printing and publishing industry : background information for promulgated standards / 1996
National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP) for the printing and publishing industry : background information for promulgated standards / 1995
National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants : printing and publishing industry background information for proposed standards / 1995
Pollution prevention : tips for flexographic printers. 2002
Pollution prevention experiences in three flexographic printing facilities: design for the environment printing project. 1996
Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: New Publications, Summer 1998 1998
Profile of the printing and publishing industry. 1995
Reducing Ink and Cleaner Waste: A Flexographic Printer Moves to Water-Based Inks and Cleaners. 1994
Replacement of hazardous material in wide web flexographic printing process / 1993
Replacement of hazardous material in wide web flexographic printing process : project summary / 1993
Tools for the flexographic industry : getting the right mix, performance, environment, cost. 2002
Waste reduction evaluation of soy-based ink at a sheet-fed offset printer : project summary / 1994
Wide web flexographic inks : which ink systems are best? / 2000

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