Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1976 Maryland Chesapeake Bay sport fishing survey 1977
1979 Maryland saltwater sport fishing survey 1982
1980 Maryland saltwater sport fishing survey 1983
1985 Libby Reservoir angler census : May 13 - October 31, 1987 [i.e. 1985] : interim report / 1987
1996 national survey of fishing, hunting, and wildlife-associated recreation 1997
A compilation of Indian treaty fishing rights cases / 1992
A creel survey of the lower Wisconsin River, 1990-1991 / 1994
A fish consumption survey of the Umatilla, Nez Perce, Yakama, and Warm Springs tribes of the Columbia River Basin. 1994
A methodological approach to an economic analysis of the beneficial outcomes of water quality improvements from sewage treatment plant upgrading and combined sewer overflow controls : environmental benefits analysis series / 1985
A regional recreation demand and benefits model / 1983
A report of pollution of the Upper Mississippi River and major tributaries. 1966
A salmon-centric view of the 21st century in the Western United States / 2003
Acoustic and net surveys of fishes and zooplankton : final report / 1977
Acoustic systems for the assessment of fisheries 1984
Acute toxic effects of chlorinated primary sewage effluent on Brook trout and Brown trout : Manchester, Vermont, Batten Kill River / 1979
Addendum to 1985 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation : recreational shellfishing in the United States. 1991
Alaska sport fishing guide. 1978
Alternatives to Secondary Sewage Treatment Offer Greater Improvements in Missouri River Water Quality. 1972
American shad in the Susquehanna River Basin : a three-hundred-year history / 1998
An electrofishing survey of the Illinois River, 1959-1974 / 1975
An evaluation of the efficacy of a 14-18 inch slot limit for walleyes in northern Wisconsin / 2010
Analysis of the 1985 national survey of fishing, hunting, and wildlife-associated recreation Net economic recreation values for deer, elk, and waterfowl hunting and bass fishing, 1985 / 1989
Analysis of the 1985 national survey of fishing, hunting, and wildlife-associated recreation Trout fishing in the U.S., 1985. 1989
Analysis of the Benefits and Costs of Alternative Cyanide Standards in Illinois. 1975
Angler Attitudes and Behavior Associated With Ohio River Health Advisories 1993
Angler's guide to Lake Tahoe / 1962
Anglers' guide to the United States Atlantic coast : fish, fishing grounds & fishing facilities / 1974
Anglers' guide to the United States Atlantic coast : fish, fishing grounds & fishing facilities / 1974
Anglers' guide to the United States Pacific coast : marine fish, fishing grounds & facilities / 1977
Annotated bibliography of fishing impacts on habitat / 2000
Annual catch of yellow perch from Red Lakes, Minnesota : in relation to growth rate and fishing effort / 1971
Annual progress report : Chesapeake Bay alosid, blue crab, oyster, bluefish, weakfish/spotted seatrout, American eel, Atlantic croaker/spot, and summer flounder : Chesapeake Bay Program / 1992
Annual progress report : Chesapeake Bay striped bass fishery management plan : a commitment progress report / 1993
Annual progress report : fishery management plans 1994 : alosid, blue crab, oyster, bluefish, weakfish/spotted seatrout, summer flounder, Atlantic croaker/spot, American eel, black drum, red drum / 1995
Annual progress report fishery management plans 1993 : alosid, blue crab, oyster, bluefish, weakfish/spotted seatrout, summer flounder, Atlantic croaker/spot, American eel / 1994
Antarctica and its resources 1980
Apply pesticides correctly a guide for commercial applicators : aquatic pest control / 1976
Aquaculture of the Minnesota bait leech, Nephelopsis obscura / 1984
Assessment of fish community structure in and near site 104 : final report / 1998
At a Glance : Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission Complied With Most Federal Requirements but Claimed Some Unallowable Costs. 2017
Baltimore Region Water Quality Management Plan, Summary, November, 1979. Clean Enough for Fishing and Swimming. 1979
Bay Scallop Restoration Project in Chincoteague Bay 1999
Benefits from Improvements in Chesapeake Bay Water Quality, Volume III of Benefit Analysis Using Indirect or Imputed Market Methods 1989
Benthic habitats and the effects of fishing : proceedings of Symposium on Effects of Fishing Activities on Benthic Habitats--Linking Geology, Biology, Socioeconomics, and Management, held in Tampa, Florida, USA, 12-14 November 2002 / 2005
Biology and fishery of Atlantic sailfish Istiophorus platypterus, from Southeast Florida 1977
Bottom trawl explorations in Green Bay of Lake Michigan, 1963-65 / 1969
Bottom trawl explorations in Lake Superior, 1963-65 / 1969
Bottom trawl explorations in southern Lake Michigan, 1962-65 / 1969
Bottomfish interim study reconnaissance report. 1982
Caesar Creek State Park. 2016
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