Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 15
Showing: Items 1 - 15
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Fishes Michigan Lake)

Select Item Title Year Published
Bottom trawl explorations in Northern Lake Michigan, 1963-65, 1969
Field distribution and entrainment of fish larvae and eggs at the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant, southeastern Lake Michigan : 1973-1979 / 1984
Fish of Lake Michigan 1986
Fish of Lake Michigan / 1974
Lake Michigan Escanaba Power Plant entrainment studies : Big Rock Nuclear Power Plant, Escanaba Power Plant, November-December 1971 / 1972
Lake Michigan mass balance study progress report : diets of forage fish in Lake Michigan / 1998
Lake Michigan: man's effects on native fish stocks and other biota, 1973
Population characteristics and physical condition of alewives, Alosa pseudoharengus, in a massive dieoff in Lake Michigan, 1967 1968
Prey fish communities as indicators of ecosystem health in Lake Michigan : project completion report submitted to US Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Research Laboratory / 1995
Quarterly report to Commonwealth Edison Company, Chicago, Illinois : benthos study at State Line Generating Station. 0
Restoring Lake Michigan's ecosystems. 1988
Review of recent technical information concerning the adverse effects of once-through cooling on Lake Michigan / 1972
Study of the effects of installing and operating a large pumped storage project on the shores of Lake Michigan near Ludington, Michigan : 1974 annual report, volume I, fisheries research / 1975
The Alewife explosion : the 1967 die-off in Lake Michigan / 1967
Trends in PCB contamination in fishes from Wisconsin waters of Lake Michigan, 1978-1986 / 1992

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