Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 32
Showing: Items 1 - 32
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Fishes Effect of temperature on)

Select Item Title Year Published
A national compendium of freshwater fisheries and water temperature data / 1972
Age, growth and condition of white crappie : Pomoxis annularis Rafinesque, in Lake Nasworthy, Texas, a reservoir receiving a heated effluent / 1972
Biological assessment of the revised Oregon water quality standards for dissolved oxygen, temperature, and PH 1998
Climate change and small pelagic fish / 2009
Cod and hydrography : a review / 1958
Consolidation of baseline information, development of methodology, and investigation of thermal impacts on freshwater shellfish, insects, and other biota / 1984
Distributional ecology and behavioral thermo-regulation of fishes in relation to heated effluent from a steam-electric power plant (Lake Monona Wisconsin) / 1972
Distributional ecology and behavioral thermoregulation of fishes in relation to heated effluent from a steam-electric power plant (Lake Monona, Wisconsin) / 1971
Effect of accelerated fingerling rearing on adult survival of spring Chinook salmon / 1988
Effect of thermal shock on vulnerability to predation in juvenile salmonids 1972
Effects of temperature on hatching success and survival of larvae in the white bass / 1977
Empirical evaluation of temperature effects on bull trout distribution in the Northwest : final report / 1999
Environmental analysis in marine fisheries research : fisheries environmental services 1977
Evaluating temperature regimes for protection of brown trout / 1994
Evaluating temperature regimes for protection of walleye 1993
Global warming : implications for freshwater and marine fish / 2008
Global warming : implications for freshwater and marine fish / 1997
Handbook of the effects of temperature on some North American fishes 1976
Heated effluents and effects on aquatic life, with emphasis on fishes : a bibliography / 1969
Instrumentation to monitor location of fish continuously in experimental channels / 1977
Oregon temperature standard review 1998
Population studies of selected fishes in three heated reservoirs in Texas. 1972
Review of bull trout temperature requirements : a response to the EPA bull trout temperature rule / 1998
Review of recent technical information concerning the adverse effects of once-through cooling on Lake Michigan / 1972
Seasonal effects on temperature preference in yellow perch, Perca flavescens / 1977
Surface temperature gradients observed in marine areas receiving warm water discharges / 1967
The effects of water hardness on the upper lethal temperature of the green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus) / 1967
Thermal effects of a model power plant on the hatching success of alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) eggs 1972
Thermal effects of power plant entrainment on survival of fish eggs and larvae : a laboratory assessment / 1976
Thermal effects on aquatic organisms; annotated bibliography of the 1973 literature / 1974
Water quality control study : Burnt River Basin Project : Dark Canyon division, Oregon / 1966
Water temperature : influences, effects, and control : proceedings of the Twelfth Pacific Northwest Symposium on Water Pollution Research / 1967

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