Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 22
Showing: Items 1 - 22

Select Item Title Year Published
Clinical methods for the assessment of the effects of environmental stress on fish health 1977
Crustacea as enemies of fishes. 1970
Culture and diseases of game fishes. 1953
Cure and recognize aquarium fish diseases 1974
Diseases of fish. 1972
Diseases of fishes 1967
Diseases of marine aquarium fishes 1976
Diseases of marine fishes / 1966
Fish immunology 1974
Fish kills caused by pollution : fifteen year summary, 1961-1975 / 1979
Fish kills caused by pollution in ... 1969
Florida red tides 1973
Krankheiten und Schadigungen der Fische. 1966
Parasites of freshwater fishes, a review of their control and treatment, 1974
Pollution caused fish kills: annual report. 1960
Pollution-caused fish kills in 1961. 1961
Pollution-caused fish kills in 1962. 1962
Pollution-caused fish kills in 1963. 1963
Prevention and treatment of diseases of warmwater fishes under subtropical conditions, with special emphasis on intensive fish farming / 1971
Red tide, 1966
Role of bacteria in the nitrogen cycle in lakes / 1972
Textbook of fish diseases 1970

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