Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 5
Showing: Items 1 - 5
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Fishes Effect of water pollution on Europe)

Select Item Title Year Published
Biological monitoring of inland fisheries 1977
Sublethal and chronic effects of pollutants on freshwater fish 1994
Symposium on the Nature and Extent of Water Pollution Problems Affecting Inland Fisheries in Europe : synthesis of national reports = Symposium sur la Nature et l'Etendue des Problemes de Pollution des Eaux affectant les Peches continentales en Europe : synthese des rapports nationaux / 1972
Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish : report on finely divided solids and inland fisheries / 1964
Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish : report on water temperature and inland fisheries based mainly on Slavonic literature = Critères de qualité des eaux pour les poissons d'eau douce Europens : rapport sur la température de l'eau et les pãeches intérieures basé essentiellement sur la documentation slave / 1968

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