Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 22
Showing: Items 1 - 22
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Fishes Effect of water pollution on Congresses)

Select Item Title Year Published
Acid rain and fisheries a debate of issues : symposium proceedings, American Fisheries Society, 114th Annual Meeting, August 12-16, 1984, Cornell University / 1985
Aquatic pollutants : transformations and biological effects : proceedings / 1978
Aquatic toxicology and water quality management / 1989
ASF 1999 : American Fisheries Society Forum on Contaminants in Fish : proceedings October 18-20, 1999 / 2000
Assessment of sublethal effects of pollutants in the sea : a discussion 1979
Assessment of sublethal effects of pollutants in the sea : a Royal Society discussion 1979
Collection of papers presented at the Fish Kill Investigation Seminar, on January 12-14, 1971. 1971
Fish physiology, fish toxicology, and fisheries management : proceedings of an international symposium, Guangzhou, PRC, September 14-16, 1988 / 1990
Fish physiology, toxicology and water quality management : proceedings of 3rd biennial international symposium, Nanjing, PRC, November 3-5, 1992 / 1994
Fish physiology, toxicology, and water quality management : proceedings of an international symposium, Sacramento, California, USA, September 18-20, 1990 / 1993
Fish tumors related to Great Lakes Areas of Concern : conference proceedings / 2003
Fisheries and energy production : a symposium / 1975
HESI - ECETOC : international workshop on the application of the fish embryo test as an animal alternative method in hazard and risk assessment and scientific research. 1976
Physiological responses of marine biota to pollutants / 1977
Power plant entrainment : a biological assessment / 1978
Proceedings / 1995
Proceedings : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's National Technical Workshop "PCBs in Fish Tissue" : May 10-11, 1993, Washington, DC. 1993
Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Aquatic Toxicity Workshop : October 4-7, 1992, Edmonton, Alberta / 1993
Proceedings of the twelfth annual Aquatic Toxicity Workshop, November 5-8, 1985, Thunder Bay, Ontario = Comptes rendus des communications du douzieme atelier annuel sur la toxicite aquatique du 5 au 8 novembre 1985, Thunder Bay, Ontario / 1986
Report of the ACMRR/IABO Working Party on Biological Effects of Pollutants : first session, FAO headquarters, Rome, Italy, 27-31 October 1975, second session, Inter-University Centre for Post-Graduate Studies, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 22-25 November 1976. And report of the ACMRR/IABO Expert Consultation on Bioassays with Aquatic Organisms in Relation to Pollution Problems : Inter-University Centre for Post-Graduate Studies, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 16-19 November 1976. 1977
Sublethal effects of toxic chemicals on aquatic animals proceedings of the Swedish-Netherlands Symposium, Wageningen, The Netherlands, September 2-5, 1975 / 1975
Symposium on water quality criteria to protect aquatic life. 1967

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