Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
"Fish in the balance" : American Fisheries Society 136th annual meeting, Lake Placid, NY, September 10-14, 2006. 2006
1963 census of commercial fisheries. 1966
1967 census of commercial fisheries. 1970
1970 monetary values of fish / 1970
1971 Columbia River estuary resource use study / 1973
1974 and 1975 gear evaluation studies prepared for Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. 1977
1975 environmental conditions relative to shrimp production in coastal Louisiana 1975
1976 environmental conditions relative to shrimp production in coastal Louisiana 1976
1985 National shellfish register of classified estuarine waters 1985
1994 Willamette River spring chinook salmon run, fisheries and passage at Willamette Falls / 1995
1997 Chesapeake Bay blue crab fishery management plan 1997
1999 highlights. 2000
A Conceptual approach for the application of biological indicators of ecosystem quality in the Great Lakes Basin : a joint effort of the International Joint Commission and the Great Lakes Fishery Commission / 1985
A creel survey of the lower Wisconsin River, 1990-1991 / 1994
A database of historical benthic invertebrate biodiversity spanning 182 years in Narragansett Bay (Rhode Island and Massachusetts) / 2018
A guide to the Naididae (Annelida, Clitellata, Oligochaeta) of North America / 1980
A marine resources management plan for the State of Connecticut. / 1984
A modification of Bhattacharya's method for the analysis of mixtures of normal distributions / 1985
A multiplier for computing the value of shellfish / 1968
A National compendium of freshwater fish and water temperature data. 1979
A partial differential equation model of fish population dynamics and its application in impingement impact analysis / 1980
A Problem paper on boat wastes and the national shellfish sanitation program / 1968
A prospectus for investigations of the Great Lakes Fishery. 1964
A question of balance : water/energy--salmon and steelhead production in the upper Columbia River Basin : summary report, November 1978 / 1978
A review of the literature on the use of squoxin in fisheries / 1974
A salmon-centric view of the 21st century in the Western United States / 2003
A selected bibliography of worldwide oyster literature / 1980
A small oil spill at West Falmouth / 1979
A stream census of the Frying Pan River, 1942-1943, by Gilbert N. Hunter. 1943
A study of migratory lake run trout in the Brule River, Wisconsin : Part II, Rainbow trout / 1970
A study of the bay scallop (argopecten irradians) in North Carolina waters / 1979
A study of the bay scallop (Argopecten irradians) in North Carolina waters / 1977
A study of the marine resources of Beverly-Salem Harbor / 1967
A study of the marine resources of Pleasant Bay / 1967
A study of the marine resources of the Merrimack River estuary / 1965
A study of the marine resources of the Parker River-Plum Island Sound estuary / 1968
A study to evaluate the economics of an offshore fishery for anchovy and jack mackerel / 1977
A summary of waste source and water quality information on the Alaskan seafood industry / 1973
A survey of offshore fishing in Florida. 1963
A survey of the Cedar Key area / 1953
A survey of the snook fishery of Florida, with studies of the biology of the principal species, öCöeönötöröoöpöoömöuös öuönödöeöcöiömöaölöiös (Bloch). 1958
A symposium on estuarine fisheries, presented at the 94th annual meeting, Atlantic City, N.J., Sept. 1964. 1966
Abundance and Viability of Striped Bass Eggs Spawned in the Roanoke River, North Carolina in 1990. 1992
Accomplishment Plan Red River of the North Basin, March 1972 1972
Acid rain and fisheries : a debate of issues : symposium proceedings, American Fisheries Society, 114th annual meeting, August 12-16, 1984, Cornell University / 1986
Acid rain and fisheries a debate of issues : symposium proceedings, American Fisheries Society, 114th Annual Meeting, August 12-16, 1984, Cornell University / 1985
Acid rain/fisheries : proceedings of an International Symposium on Acidic Precipitation and Fishery Impacts in Northeastern North America, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, August 2-5, 1981 / 1982
Acute and chronic effects of salinity on two populations of red swamp crawfish, Procambarus clarki. 1967
Acute toxicity and detoxification of Kraft Pulp Mill effluent / 1974
Advances in assessment of world cephalopod resources Progres realises dans l'evaluation des ressources mondiales de cephalopodes = progresos realizados en la evaluacion mundial de cefalopodos / 1983
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