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Select Item Title Year Published
"Fish in the balance" : American Fisheries Society 136th annual meeting, Lake Placid, NY, September 10-14, 2006. 2006
A biological survey and fishery management plan for the streams of the Lake Superior north shore watershed, 1944
A review of the literature on the use of calcium hypochlorite in fisheries / 1974
A review of the literature on the use of lime (Ca(OH)2, Ca0,CaCO3) in fisheries / 1974
Abstract volume : 4th World Fisheries Congress, May 2-6, 2004, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 2004
Acquisition and culture of research fish : rainbow trout, fathead minnows, channel catfish, and bluegills / 1975
Advances in aquaculture : papers presented at FAO Technical Conference on Aquaculture, 1979
An annotated bibliography of attempts to rear the larvae of marine fishes in the laboratory / 1971
An Economic analysis of potential effluent guidelines for selected segmensts of the fish hatchery and farm industry. 1976
An electrofishing survey of the Illinois River, 1959-1974 / 1975
Antagonism of selenium and cadmium pretreatments to subsequent embryotoxic doses of mercury and cadmium in fish embryos : completion report / 1981
Aquaculture : opportunities for an expanded industry in Illinois 1980
Aquaculture. 1972
Aquarium systems 1981
Atlantic salmon brood stock management and breeding handbook 1989
Bibliography of publications of the National Fisheries Research Center-Leetown, 1981-1985 1987
Bibliography of research publications of the U.S. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, 1928-72. 1974
Bibliography on reservoir fishery biology in North America 1965
Biennial report of the Superintendent, Fish and Fisheries, of the State of North Carolina. 0
Bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) a biological synopsis / 1988
Broodstock management and egg and larval quality 1995
Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries. 1904
Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission. 1881
Canadian fish culturist. 1946
Columbia River fishery program, 1963. 1964
Commercial fish farming : with special reference to fish culture in Israel / 1981
Compliance guide for the concentrated aquatic animal production point source category 2006
Conversions useful in fish culture and fishery research and management 1987
Cortland hatchery report ... for the year ... / 1935
Cultivation of fish in cages a general bibliography / 1978
Culture and diseases of game fishes. 1953
Culture of nonsalmonid freshwater fishes 1986
Development of kelp rockfish, Sebastes atrovirens (Jordan and Gilbert 1880), and brown rockfish, S. auriculatus (Girard 1854), from birth to pelagic juvenile stage, with notes on early larval development of black-and-yellow rockfish, S. chrysomelas (Jordan and Gilbert 1880), reared in the laboratory (Pisces: Sebastidae) / 2004
Diseases of seawater netpen-reared salmonid fishes / 1998
Effect of incubation temperature on mortality of embryos of the largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides (Lacépède) / 1969
Effects of biologically treated bleached kraft mill effluent during early life stage and full life cycle studies with fish. 1985
EIFAC Workshop on Mass Rearing of Fry and Fingerlings of Fresh Water Fishes : papers : proceedings of workshop / 1979
Farming salmon : a briefing book / 1997
Final programmatic environmental impact statement : fish culture in floating net pens / 1990
Fish and invertebrate culture : water management in closed systems / 1979
Fish and wildlife legislation : Hearings before the Subcommittee on Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation of the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, House of Representatives, Ninetieth Congress, first session [and second] sessions. 1967
Fish behavior and its use in the capture and culture of fishes : proceedings of the Conference on the Physiological and Behavioral Manipulation of Food Fish as Production and Management Tools, Bellagio, Italy, 3-8 November 1977, held jointly by the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology and the International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Manila / 1980
Fish culture in fisheries management : proceedings of a Symposium on the Role of Fish Culture in Fisheries Management at Lake Ozark, Missouri, March 31-April 3, 1985 / 1986
Fish farming. 1990
Fish hatchery management / 2001
Fish tissue survey for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenszofurans in Texas 1984
Fisheries reaction to water development : fisheries assessment of existing and potential flow regimes related to domestic water development by the Denver Water Board / 1984
Four fish : the future of the last wild food / 2010
Freshwater aquaculture book : a handbook for small scale fish culture in North America 1984
Freshwater fishery biology, 1956
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