Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Fish kills)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A summer of poor water clarity, algal blooms, and fish kills : Chesapeake Bay 2007 / 2007
Agricultural runoff and reservoir drawdown effects on a 2760-hectare reservoir / 1982
Analysis of environmental issues related to small-scale hydroelectric development, IV : fish mortality resulting from turbine passage / 1981
Analysis of fish kills and associated water quality conditions in the Trinity River, Texas : review of historical data, 1970-1985 / 1987
Analysis of fish kills and associated water quality conditions in the Trinity River, Texas. III, Final toxicological considerations / 1990
Analysis of fish kills and associated water quality conditions in the Trinity River, Texas. IV, Assessment of biotic integrity / 1991
Analysis of fish kills and associated water quality conditions in the Trinity River, Texas. V, Results of rise event studies, 1986-88 / 1991
Analysis of fish kills and associated water quality conditions in the Trinity River, Texas. VI, Results of sediment and stormwater quality studies, 1988-89 / 1994
Assessment of water quality in Crystal Creek, Montgomery County, Texas 1997
Biological nutrient removal processes and costs. 2007
Characteristics and causes of Texas marine strandings 1998
Collection of papers presented at the Fish Kill Investigation Seminar on November 2-4, 1971 / 1971
Consequences of losing or degrading wetlands. 1995
Current Status and Historical Trends of Brown Tide and Red Tide Phytoplankton in the Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Study Area. 1996
Economic analysis for the proposed revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System regulation and the effluent guidelines for concentrated animal feeding operations. 2001
Effects of elemental phosphorus on marine life: collected papers resulting from the 1969 pollution crisis, Placentia Bay, Newfoundland. 1972
Effects of the addition of a fourth generating unit at the Salem Harbor Electric Generating Station on the marine ecosystem of Salem Harbor 1975
Environmental and economic benefit analysis of the proposed revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System regulation and the effluent guidelines for concentrated animal feeding operations. 2001
Environmental Impacts of Airport Deicing -- Water Quality. 2010
Field manual for the investigation of fish kills / 1990
Fish kill 73-025, James River 1974
Fish kill counting procedures : 1970 / 1970
Fish kills ... annual report / 1971
Fish kills by pollution : annual report / 1966
Fish kills caused by pollution : fifteen year summary, 1961-1975 / 1979
Fish kills caused by pollution in ... 1960
Fish kills caused by pollution in ... 1969
Fish kills caused by pollution in ... / 1975
Fish kills caused by pollution in 1970. 1972
Fish kills caused by pollution in 1973 : fourteenth annual report. 1975
Fish kills caused by pollution in 1975 Sixteenth annual report (Report for 1 Jan 75 to 31 Dec 75) [MICROFICHE]. 1977
Fish kills caused by pollution in 1976 : seventeenth report [MICROFICHE] / 1979
Fish kills caused by pollution in 1977 : eighteenth report / 1980
Fish kills in coastal waters 1980-1989 / 1991
Fish kills report. 1974
Guidance on Use of Section 504, the Emergency Powers Provision of the Clean Water Act. 1993
Intensive survey of the Big Muddy River Basin : summer 1995 / 1997
Investigation and monetary values of fish and freshwater mollusk kills / 2018
Investigation and monetary values of fish and freshwater mussel kills 2003
Investigation and valuation of fish kills 1992
Investigations of biological conditions and water quality in eastern Escambia Bay relative to fish and oyster mortality during September, 1971 / 1971
Methods to assess impacts on Hudson River perch : report for the period October 1, 1978 to September 30, 1979 / 1980
Missouri fish kill and water pollution investigations. 1985
Missouri water pollution investigations. 1979
Monetary values of freshwater fish and fish-kill counting guidelines / 1982
National harmful algal bloom research and monitoring strategy : an initial focus on Pfiesteria, fish lesions, fish kills and public health / 1997
Oxygen depletion and associated environmental disturbances in the Middle Atlantic Bight in 1976 : a report on a series of interagency workshops held in November and December 1976. 1977
Pollution-caused fish kills 1977. 1977
Pollution-caused fish kills in ... 1960
Pollution-Caused Fish Kills in 1962 (3rd Annual Report). 1963
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