Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 38
Showing: Items 1 - 38
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Finite element method)

Select Item Title Year Published
An introduction to finite element analysis / 1978
An introduction to the mathematical theory of finite elements / 1976
Application of stability theory and finite element simulation to characterize miscible displacements / 1989
Automated Solution of Differential Equations by the Finite Element Method : the FEniCS Book / 2012
Computational methods in subsurface flow 1983
Computing with hp-adaptive finite elements / 2007
Curvilinear Finite Element Model for Simulating Two-Well Tracer Tests and Transport in Stratified Aquifers. 1986
Development of a hybrid limit equilibrium-finite element procedure for three-dimensional slope stability analysis / 1998
Estimating horizontal drain design by the finite-element and finite-difference methods 1984
FECWASTE user's manual of a Finite-Element Code for simulating WASTE transport through saturated-unsaturated porous media / 1982
Finite element analysis of irrotational flows of an ideal fluid / 1971
Finite element glacier dynamics model applied to Columbia Glacier, Alaska 1982
Finite element method 1977
Finite element method : a basic introduction 1980
Finite element method for engineers 1975
Finite elements in water resources : proceedings of the 4th International Conference, Hannover, Germany, June 1982 / 1982
Finite elements in water resources : proceedings of the Third International Conference on Finite Elements in Water Resources 1980
Groundwater Mass Transport and Equilibrium Chemistry Model for Multicomponent Systems. 1985
International Conference on Vehicle Structural Mechanics : finite element application to vehicle design / 1974
Material transport through porous media a finite-element Galerkin model / 1976
Mathematical model of estuarial sediment transport : final report / 1977
Mathematical modeling of near coastal circulation 1975
Michigan soil vapor extraction remediation (MISER) model: a computer program to model soil vapor extraction and bioventing of organic chemicals in unsaturated geological material / 1997
MOFAT, a two-dimensional finite element program for multiphase flow and multicomponent transport program documentation and user's guide / 1991
Numerical solution of differential equations / 1979
Optimal Adaptive Local Grid Refinement Approach to Modeling Contaminant Transport. 1992
Splines and variational methods / 1975
Summary of the Prevost effective stress soil model 1984
The finite element method : fundamentals and applications / 1973
The finite element method in heat transfer and fluid dynamics / 1994
Three-dimensional slope stability method based on finite element stress analysis and dynamic programming / 2008
Two-Dimensional Modeling of Current Circulation and Contaminant Transport in Surface Waters. 1996
User's manual for the instream sediment-contaminant transport model SERATRA / 1982
VAM2D, variably saturated analysis model in two dimensions : version 5.0 with hysteresis and chained decay transport : documentation and user's guide / 1989
Waste reduction guide : waterjet. 2000
Water movement through saturated-unsaturated porous media a finite-element Galerkin model / 1975
Well test analysis in fractured media / 1986
What every engineer should know about computational techniques of finite element analysis / 2005

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