Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Fills Earthwork)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A guide to the dredge or fill permit program. 1979
A procedure for estimating monofilled solid waste leachate composition. 1986
Alerting environmental officials : the community's role. 1995
An inventory of filled lands in Yaquina Bay and River / 1972
Anticipating environmental problems facing hurricane debris landfills in New Orleans East 2006
Armentrout Excavating landfill site : Xenia, Greene County, Ohio, OHD980510010, administrative record / 2010
Attenuation of pollutants in municipal landfill leachate by clay minerals / 1978
Background document for capacity analysis for land disposal restrictions phase III : Decharacterized wastewaters, carbamate wastes, and spent poltiners (final rule). 1996
Background document for land disposal restrictions : Wood preserving wastes (final rule), Capacity analysis and response to capacity-related comments. 1997
Bay fill in San Francisco : a history of change / 1973
Bay fill in San Francisco : a history of change / 1973
Before you dump ... : EPA's role in dredge and fill permits. 1979
Behavior of dredged materials in diked containment areas 1974
Behavior of dredged materials in diked containment areas / 1978
Best management practices guidance : discharge of dredged or fill materials / 1979
Characterization of MWC ashes and leacheates from MSW landfills, monofills, and co-disposal sites / 1987
Cooperative efforts protect river ecosystem from toxic waste. 1996
Critical review and summary of leachate and gas production from landfills / 1987
Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the landfills point source category. 1998
Earthline Corporation landfill evaluation. 1977
Economic impact analysis for the supplemental to the municipal solid waste (MSW) NESHAP : final report. 2002
Economic impact assessment of the phase IV land disposal restrictions final rule on newly identified wood preserving hazardous wastes contaminated media at inactive and abandoned wood preserving sites. 1997
Effects of Section 404 permits on wetlands in North Dakota / 1994
Energy Project landfill gas utilization software (E-Plus) : User's manual. 1997
Engineering characteristics of polluted dredgings / 1973
Evaluating cover systems for solid and hazardous waste / 1980
Evaluation of processed municipal wastes in landfill cells / 1985
Evaluation of processed municipal wastes in landfill cells / 1984
Evaluation of the lancy biotower installation at chambers development southern alleghenies landfill in Davidsville, Pennsylvania / 1990
Evapotranspiration landfill cover systems fact sheet. 2003
Example evaluation of a permit application for a proposed hazardous-waste landfill in eastern Adams County, Colorado 1986
Final environmental impact report for the Vandenberg Air Force Base landfill permit renewal project / 1994
FY 1992 themes for regional coordination to support continuous improvements of superfund's remedial program. 1991
Gaining ground : a history of landmaking in Boston / 2003
Guidance for landfilling waste in economically developing countries / 1998
Information on the fate of mercury from fluorescent lamps disposed in landfills 1995
Innovative technologies enhance ground water restoration. 1995
Landfill capacity in the U.S. how much do we really have? 1988
Landfill capping / 1985
Landfill disposal of hazardous wastes : a review of literature and known approaches : a current report on solid waste management / 1975
Landfill gas generation, migration, monitoring and control / 1984
Landfill gas-to-energy project opportunities : landfill profiles for the State of Texas. 1999
Largest private party settlement achieved in Southern California. 1996
List of municipal solid waste landfills. 1996
Memorandum for the field : individual permit flexibility for small landowners. 1995
Modern landfills a far cry from the past / 2006
Old Southington landfill. 1988
PCB landfill, North Carolina. 1985
Permit for landfill in Hunting Creek, Va. : Hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives ... 1968
Potential clogging of landfill drainage systems / 1984
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