Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 13
Showing: Items 1 - 13
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Feuhrungskraft)

Select Item Title Year Published
A few good women : breaking the barriers to top management / 1992
Becoming leaders : a practical handbook for women in engineering, science, and technology / 2008
Best practices in talent management : how the world's leading corporations manage, develop, and retain top talent / 2010
Ethics and leadership : putting theory into practice / 1990
Executive EQ : emotional intelligence in leadership and organizations / 1997
Leadership by engineers and scientists : professional skills needed to succeed in a changing world / 2018
Lean in : women, work, and the will to lead / 2013
Our separate ways : black and white women and the struggle for professional identity / 2001
Smart choices : a practical guide to making better decisions / 1999
Strengths based leadership : great leaders, teams, and why people follow / 2008
The managerial woman / 1977
The powers to lead / 2008
The seven habits of highly effective people : restoring the character ethic / 1990

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