Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Fertilizers)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1970 round-up "How to" retail marketing--questions and answers : Hotel Fort Des Moines, Des Moines, Iowa, July 28-29 : proceedings and handbook. 1970
1972 NFSA round-up "How to compete" : round-up proceedings, July 25-26, Stouffer's Riverfront Inn, St. Louis, Mo. 1972
2020 National Emissions Inventory technical support document : agriculture – fertilizer application 2023
57 ways to protect your home environment (and yourself) / 1996
A comparison of alternative manure management systems : effect on the environment, total energy requirement, nutrient conservation, and contributions to corn silage production and economics / 1984
A Complete disposal-recycle scheme for agricultural solid wastes / 1977
A manual on : evaluation and economic analysis of livestock waste management systems / 1978
A manual on evaluation and economic analysis of livestock waste management systems / 1978
A method of manure disposal for a beef packing operation : first interim technical report / 1977
A method of manure disposal for a beef packing operation : first interim technical report / 1977
A preliminary analysis of nitrous oxide (N2O) including a materials balance / 1979
A preliminary study on the effectiveness of Florida trashfish as fertilizer / 1969
A survey of pathogen survival during municipal solid waste and manure treatment processes / 1980
A water quality model for a conjunctive surface-groundwater system / 1974
Abstracts of papers. 1971
Accumulation of heavy metals in soil from past fertilization / 1978
Action Conference Proceedings, Held at Denver, Colorado on August 28-29. 1973
Adapting woody species and planting techniques to landfill conditions : field and laboratory investigations / 1979
Additives and fluid fertilizers a look from inside the tank : '69 round-up / 1969
Adequacy of Sampling Trains and Analytical Procedures Used for Fluoride. 1976
Advances in phosphate fertilizer technology 1993
Agricultural chemical usage : 2007 field crops summary / 2008
Agricultural chemical usage Field crops summary / 1990
Agricultural practices and water quality : proceedings of a conference concerning the role of agriculture in clean water, held at Iowa State University, November 1969 / 1970
Agricultural runoff, a bibliography. 1972
Agricultural value of dredged sediments : Final report / 1970
Agriculture and clean water : proceedings of a conference held at Kansas City, Missouri on 3 April 1975 / 1975
Agriculture and clean water : proceedings of a conference held at Kansas City, Missouri on 3 April 1975 / 1975
Agriculture and the nitrogen cycle : assessing the impacts of fertilizer use on food production and the environment / 2004
Agrochemical Hazards in Aquatic Systems and Evaluation of Such Hazards with Emphasis on Developing Countries. 1983
Agroecosystem pilot field program plan - 1992 / 1994
Agronomic practices of the Nevada Test Site experimental dairy farm during 1971, 1972, and 1973 / 1976
Air Conservation. Volume 9, Number 4(48) 1975. 1976
Air pollutant control techniques for phosphate rock processing industry / 1978
Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Supplement. 1970
Air Pollution and Vegetation II. Effects of Fertilization on Growth and Development of Twenty Woody Plants Grown in Industrial Areas (Luftforurensning og Vegetasjon II. Virkninger av Gjodsling og Kalking pa Vekst og Utvikling av 20 Lignoseslag Dyrket pa Sterkt SO2-Eksponert Sted i Sarpsborg). 1974
Air pollution aspects of phosphorus and its compounds / 1969
Air pollution control technology and costs in seven selected areas / 1973
Alaskan oil spill bioremediation project. 1989
American composting concepts / 1971
Ammonia emission factors for the NAPAP emission inventory / 1987
An evaluation of control needs for the nitrogen fertilizer industry / 1979
An Initial evaluation of the impact of pesticides on groundwater in Illinois : report to the Illinois Legislature. 1990
Analyses of Cytogenetic Damage in Rodents Following Exposure to Simulated Groundwater Contaminated with Pesticides and a Fertilizer. 1993
Analysis of Eight Facilities: Operating and Cost Data for In-Vessel Composting. 1989
Anhydrous Ammonia Theft. Chemical Safety Alert. 2000
Animal Performance, Carcass Quality, and Tissue Residues with Beef Steers Fed Forage Sorghum Silages Grown on Soil Treated with Liquid Digested Sludge. 1981
Animal waste composting with carbonaceous material / 1978
Animal waste management. 1969
Animal Waste Utilization for Pollution Abatement - Technology and Economics. Phase I. 1971
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