Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Fertilization)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Accumulation of heavy metals in soil from past fertilization / 1978
Acid Deposition in Utah, An Analysis by the Acid Deposition Technical Advisory Committee 1986
Agricultural NPS Control of Phosphorus in the New York State, Lake Ontario Basin. Volume 2. Fertilizer Trials on Organic Soils in the Lake Ontario Drainage Basin. 1991
Biology of mammalian fertilization and implantation. 1972
Bioregulators of reproduction 1981
Copper Toxicity to Sperm, Embryos and Larvae of Topsmelt 'Atherinops affinis', with Notes on Induced Spawning. 1991
Cost of landspreading and hauling sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plants : case studies. 1977
Design of a mesoscale iron enrichment experiment : report of a meeting held in Monterey, California, October 21 and 22, 1991 / 1992
Determination of the seasonal changes in nitrate and phosphate concentration and phytoplankton composition within selected fertilized lakes / 1994
Effects of forest fertilization with urea on major biological components of small cascade streams, Oregon / 1979
Effects of water-column enrichment on the production dynamics of three seagrass species and their epiphytic algae / 1996
Ethane Dimethanesulfonate-Induced Decrease in the Fertilizing Ability of Cauda Epididymal Sperm Is Independent of the Testis. 1994
Eutrophication of soil, fresh water and the sea 1994
Factors Associated with Reduced Fertility and Implantation Rates in Females Mated to Acrylamide Treated Rats. 1989
Female Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology: Overview and Current Approaches. 1994
Fertilization in fishes and the problem of polyspermy = Oplodotvorenie u ryb i problema polispermii 1972
Forest alternative for treatment and utilization of municipal and industrial wastes 1986
Forest Fertilization (A State-of-the-Art Review and Description of Environmental Effects). 1972
Forest fertilization : (a state-of-the-art review and description of environmental effects) / 1972
Forest fertilization : sustaining and improving nutrition and growth of western forests / 1992
Formation and Function of the Male Pronucleus during Mammalian Fertilization, 1989. 1987
Formation and Function of the Male Pronucleus during Mammalian Fertilization. 1987
Greenhouse Gases Phase 3 - Carbon Storage Quantification and Methodology Demonstration. Final Report. 2001
Immunological approaches to fertility control : transactions of the seventh symposium held in Geneva on July 29-31, 1974 / 1974
Impaired Gamete Function: Implications for Reproductive Toxicology. 1989
Importance of Glutathione in the Acquisition and Maintenance of Sperm Nuclear Decondensing Activity in Maturing Hamster Oocytes. 1988
In vitro fertilization and embryo transfer / 1985
In vitro fertilization and other assisted reproduction / 1988
Lake Erie agro-ecosystem program : sediment, nutrient and pesticide export studies / 1987
Magnesium deficiency in forest ecosystems / 1997
Manipulating reproduction / 1986
Methane Production from Anaerobic Soil Amended with Rice Straw and Nitrogen Fertilizers. 1992
Mineral nutrition and fertilization of deciduous broadleaved tree species in British Columbia / 1999
Municipal sludge application to Pacific Northwest forest lands 1981
Oil Effects on Spawning Behavior and Reproduction in Pacific Herring (Clupea Haraengus Pallasi). 1985
Pesticide-pollinator interactions 1981
Possibility of Reducing Nitrogen in Drainage Water by on Farm Practices 1972
Proceedings of the National Conference on Management of Nitrogen in Irrigated Agriculture, Held in Sacramento, California, on May 15-18, 1978. 1978
Salt marsh establishment and development / 1975
Sediment, nutrient and pesticide transport in selected Lake Erie and Lake Ontario tributaries 1987
Sediment, nutrient and pesticide transport in selected Lake Erie and Lake Ontario tributaries : appendix I : nutrient and sediment transport at lake tributary monitoring stations 1982 - 1985 water years / 1986
Sediment, nutrient and pesticide transport in selected lower Great Lakes tributaries / 1988
Sludge fertilization of state forest land in northern Michigan / 1988
Sludge fertilization of state forest land in northern Michigan / 1991
Spermatogenesis -- fertilization -- contraception : molecular, cellular, and endrocrine events in male reproduction / 1992
State of Michigan phosphorus reduction strategy for the Michigan portion of Lake Erie and Saginaw Bay : summary / 1985
State of Michigan phosphorus reduction strategy for the Michigan portion of Lake Erie and Saginaw Bay : technical supplement / 1985
Status and Applications of Echinoid ('Phylum echinodermata') Toxicity Test Methods. 1993
Survey of the toxicity and chemical composition of used drilling muds 1984
Use of the Fungicide Carbendazim as a Model Compound to Determine the Impact of Acute Chemical Exposure during Oocyte Maturation and Fertilization on Pregnancy Outcome in the Hamster. 1992
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