Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A comparison of the esophageal fistula with rumen samples for the determination of the botanical and chemical composition of the diet of herbivores / 1969
A Complete disposal-recycle scheme for agricultural solid wastes / 1977
A hypothesis for the toxic mechanism of ammonia to fish / 1982
Advance Statement of Progress on Nutritional and Disease Transmitting Potential of Sewage-Grown Algae. 1964
AFO & GW 1998 : animal feeding operations and ground water : issues, impacts, and solutions : a conference for the future / 1998
Air emissions from animal feeding operations : current knowledge, future needs. 2003
Air pollution control technology and costs in seven selected areas / 1973
Ammonia Emission Factors from Swine Finishing Operations. 2001
An evaluation of filter feeding fishes for removing excessive nutrients and algae from wastewater / 1983
An evaluation of filter feeding fishes for removing excessive nutrients and algae from wastewater / 1983
Analysis of state laws and regulations impacting animal waste management / 1978
Analytical Variation in the Determination of the Fatty Acid Composition of Standard Preparations of Brine Shrimp 'Artemia': An Interlaboratory Exercise. 1989
Animal agriculture : concentrated animal feeding operations, dairy cattle : focus on CAFO permit requirements, dairy cattle. 1999
Animal agriculture : concentrated animal feeding operations, horses : focus on CAFO permit requirements, horses. 1999
Animal agriculture : concentrated animal feeding operations--livestock operation inspection. 2001
Animal agriculture : concentrated animal feeding operations--livestock operations inspection. 2003
Animal agriculture concentrated animal feeding operations - slaughter/feeder cattle : CAFO permit requirements - slaughter and feeder cattle. 1999
Animal agriculture concentrated animal feeding operations : CAFO permit requirements - general. 1999
Animal agriculture concentrated animal feeding operations : CAFO permit requirements - Swine 1999
Animal feeding operations : the role of counties / 1999
Animal Manures as Feedstuffs: Broiler Litter Feeding Trials. 1983
Animal Manures as Feedstuffs: Cattle Manure Feeding Trials. 1983
Animal Manures as Feedstuffs: Nutrient Characteristics. 1983
Animal Manures as Feedstuffs: Poultry Manure Feeding Trials. 1983
Animal Nutrition Technology Exchange : a conference developed by the Agricultural Nutrient Reduction Workgroup of the Chesapeake Bay Program's Nutrient Subcommittee. 2000
Animal Performance, Carcass Quality, and Tissue Residues with Beef Steers Fed Forage Sorghum Silages Grown on Soil Treated with Liquid Digested Sludge. 1981
Application of Reburning to Coal-Fired Industrial Boilers in Taiwan. 1999
Aquatic Plants from Minnesota. Part IV. Nutrient Composition. 1973
Assessment of Primary vs. Secondary Toxicity of Aroclor (Trade Name) 1254 to Mink. 1986
At a Glance : Region 4 Should Strengthen Oversight of Georgia's Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation Program. 2011
Autonomic and Behavioral Thermoregulation in the Golden Hamster during Subchronic Administration of Clorgyline. 1994
Benefits of reducing nitrate contamination in private domestic wells under CAFO. 2002
Bibliography on nutritional requirements of salmonid fishes = Bibliographie sur les besoins nutritifs des salmonides / 1968
Biological conversion of animal wastes to nutrients, 1973
Biological Evaluation for the proposed NPDES General Permit for Oil and Gas Exploration, Development, and Production Activities in Cook Inlet/Gulf of Alaska. 1992
Biology and ecology of fishes / 1995
Biology of the Percids. 1977
Biology of young winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum) : Feeding habits, metabolism and food utilization / 1971
Bitter harvest 1978
Botanical species of plants eaten and intake of steers grazing light, medium heavy use shortgrass range / 1969
CAFOs & more : agricultural policy meets environmental law : emerging legal issues in the regulation and operation of CAFOs / 2005
Case of Parakeratosis in Piglets (Przypadek Parakeratozy u Prosiat). 1972
Case Studies on the Impact of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) on Ground Water Quality. 2012
Cesium: Potassium Index of Food Web Structure and Biomagnification of Trace Elements in a Polluted Harbor of Southern California. 1987
Changes in Nucleic Acids over the Molt Cycle in Relation to Food Availability and Temperature in 'Homarus americanus' Postlarvae. 1992
Changes in nutritive content of fish feeds at five federal installations / 1990
Characteristics and growth of cattle feedlot operations in Oklahoma 1962
Characteristics of beef cattle feedlots : California, Colorado, western Corn Belt / 1969
Chemical contaminants in human milk 1991
Chemicals identified in human breast milk : a literature search / 1983
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