Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Fallout)

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Select Item Title Year Published
131I dairy cow uptake studies using a synthetic dry aerosol / 1966
1971 animal investigation program : annual report / 1975
90SR Uptake by 'Pinus ponderosa' and 'Pinus radiata' Seedlings Inoculated with Ectomycorrhizal Fungi. 1994
A good day has no rain / 2003
A method for positive collection of iodine from airborne carbon-iodine bonded compounds / 1964
A preliminary mathematical model for predicting the transport of radionuclides in the marine environment / 1969
A separation technique for the determination of krypton-85 in the environment / 1971
A summary of exposure to the off-site population as a result of nuclear tests conducted at the Nuclear Rocket Development Station during 1965 / 1965
Accumulation of Cesium-137 and Strontium-90 in Ponderosa Pine and Monterey Pine Seedlings. 1993
Actinide concentrations in tissues from cattle grazing near the Rocky Flats plant / 1975
Aerosol preparation, generation, and assessment : Project Hare / 1970
Air pollution aspects of radioactive substances / 1970
Air revitalization unit for sealed survival shelters 1970
Airborne cloud tracking measurements during the Three Mile Island nuclear station accident 1984
Airborne particulate radioactivity measurements in Pocatello, Idaho / 1980
Ambient airborne radioactivity measurements in the vicinity of the Jackpile Open Pit Uranium Mine, New Mexico / 1979
Amchitka Radiobiological Program progress report. 1971
An SAB report : environmental radiation ambient monitoring system (ERAMS) II.prepared by the Radiation Advisory Committee of the Science Advisory Board. 1998
Animal investigation program 1969 annual report / 1970
Animal investigation program 1970 annual report / 1974
Animal investigation program 1972 annual report / 1976
Animal investigation program 1973 annual report : Nevada Test Site and vicinity / 1977
Animal investigation program 1974 annual report : Nevada Test Site and vicinity / 1977
Animal investigation program 1975 annual report : Nevada Test Site and vicinity / 1978
Animal investigation program 1978 annual report : Nevada test site and vicinity / 1980
Animal investigation program 1979 annual report : Nevada test site and vicinity / 1981
Animal investigation program 1980 annual report : Nevada test site and vicinity / 1982
Animal investigation program for the Nevada test site : 1957-1981 / 1984
Annual Review of Literature on Radioactivity Studies of Air, Water, and Wastes (1954). 1955
Appendix to environmental measurements laboratory environmental quarterly / 1980
Artemisia Shrub Size and Radiation Damage to Artemisia from Local Fallout from Project Schooner. 1971
Assessment of fallout in the United States from the atmosphere nuclear test by the People's Republic of China on September 17, 1977 1982
Atmospheric inputs of phosphorus to southern Lake Huron, April-October 1975 / 1977
Chemical/Biological/Radiological incident handbook. 1998
Chernobyl's legacy : health, environmental and socio-economic impacts and recommendations to the governments of Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine / 2005
Comparative studies of food and environmental contamination. Proceedings of a Symposium on nuclear techniques and in comparative studies of food and the environmental contamination organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the World Health Organization, and held in Otaniemi, Finland, 27-31 August 1973. 1974
Contaminant inputs to the New York Bight / 1976
Creation of a data base of survey meter readings in the western United States after nuclear tests / 1993
Data acquisition and analysis system for emergency environmental surveillance / 1971
Development and validation of a test method for acrylonitrile emissions / 1989
Development of ion exchange processes for the removal of radionuclides from milk / 1971
Downwind : a people's history of the nuclear West / 2014
Ecological and environmental effects from local fallout from Cabriolet. 1969
Effects of nuclear weapons testing on health / 1979
Environmental consequences of the Chernobyl accident and their remediation : twenty years of experiences / 2005
Environmental contamination by radioactive materials: proceedings of a seminar on agricultural and public health aspects of environmental contamination by radioactive materials jointly organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the World Health Organization and held in Vienna, 24-28 March 1969. 1969
Environmental monitoring system for nuclear tests / 1971
Environmental radiation data : October-December 1993. Report 76. 1996
Environmental radiation data : report 80, October-December 1994. 1997
Environmental radiation data : report 81, January-March 1995. 1997
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