Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Air Pollution Control Technology Seminar / 1981
An industry approach for the regulation of toxic pollutants / 1981
Blast furnaces : an industrial waste guide to the blast furnace department of the steel industry. 1951
Comprehensive assessment of the specific compounds present in combustion processes. Volume 2, Design for a national survey of emission of specific compounds from coal fired utility boiler plants / 1985
Comprehensive assessment of the specific compounds present in combustion processes. volume 2, Design for a national survey of emission of specific compounds from coal fired utility boiler plants / 1983
Comprehensive assessment of the specific compounds present in combustion processes. Volume 4, National estimates of specific compounds from coal fired utility boiler plants / 1985
Development of design parameters for biological treatment of industrial wastewaters. 1969
Economic analysis of interim final effluent guidelines for the pesticides and agricultural chemicals industry : group 2. 1976
Effects of industrial wastes on stream life 1961
Emission reduction banking manual / 1980
Environmental field sampling manual / 1987
Environmental regulations and technology : the electroplating industry / 1985
General reference materials relating to the measurement of priority pollutants. 1977
Hazardous waste management directory 1985
Hazardous waste management seminar / 1980
Hazardous waste minimization audit studies on the paint manufacturing industry / 1987
Industrial process profiles for environmental use : Chapter 11-synthetic fiber industry / 1977
Industrial process profiles for environmental use : Chapter 12-the explosives industry / 1977
Industrial process profiles for environmental use : Chapter 17, gypsum and wallboard industry / 1977
Industrial process profiles for environmental use : Chapter 18, lime industry / 1977
Industrial process profiles for environmental use : chapter 2, oil and gas production industry / 1977
Industrial process profiles for environmental use : Chapter 4, carbon black industry / 1977
Inventory of major municipal and industrial point source discharges in the Great Lakes Basin 1979
Maquiladoras and toxics the hidden costs of production south of the border / 1989
Poisons in our neighborhoods toxic pollution in the United States / 1990
Pollution prevention in Delaware, Maryland, and West Virginia : a survey of industrial facilities / 1992
Pretreatment resource reader : a compendium of experience and practical knowledge for the establishment of local programs / 1982
Procedures for analyzing metal-finishing wastes. 1954
Proceedings of the industrial wastes symposia : 53rd annual WPCF conference, Las Vegas, Nev., Sept. 28-Oct. 3, 1980. 1980
Proceedings, Second NOx Control Seminar, November 8-9, 1978 special report / 1979
Projects [of the] Industrial Pollution Control Branch / 1970
Protecting our nation's waters from industrial discharges. 1993
Reducing phenol wastes from coke plants. {The sources, volumes, and concentrations of phenolic wastes and methods for reduction by process changes or treatment} 1953
Regulation for the control of hazardous and non-hazardous solid waste : {amended version}. 1982
Report of the purification of wastes from canning pork and beans at the cannery of Thomas and Company, Gaithersburg, Maryland 1918
Scientific and technical aspects of hazardous waste management : report from a workshop considering problems identified by the Intergovernmental Science, Engineering, and Technology Advisory Panel. 1979
State of the art review on product recovery. 1969
Stream Life and the Pollution Environment / 1959
Study of the characteristics of liquid wastes from a by-product coke plant : May 14 to June 21, 1950 / 1950
Survey of polychlorinated biphenyls in industrial effuents in Canada = Les biphenyles polychlores dans les effluents industriels au Canada. 1981
The Second National Conference on the Interagency Energy/Environment R & D Program, June 6 and 7, 1977, Sheraton Park Hotel, Washington, D.C. 1977
Toward a more informed public recommendations for improving the toxics release inventory / 1991
Toxic clusters patterns of pollution in the Midwest / 1991
Toxic Release Inventory productivity review final report / 1990
Toxics Use Reduction Project : resource guide : reducing the use of toxic substances and hazardous waste in Maine's metal product / 0
Trading toxics across state lines special report / 1990
Treatment of petroleum refinery, petrochemical and combined industrial-municipal wastewaters with activated carbon : literature review / 1978
U.S. Department of Energy interim mixed waste inventory report : waste streams, treatment capacities and technologies. 1993
Volume estimation methods for contaminated soils at manufactured gas plant sites 1994
Waste audit study of the commercial printing industry 1988
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