Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 58
Showing: Items 1 - 50

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Select Item Title Year Published
1994 proceedings / 1995
1997 Toxics Release Inventory and Right-to-Know Conference : Washington, D.C., September 8-10,1997 / 1998
Accounting for resources, 1 : economy-wide applications of mass-balance principles to materials and waste / 1998
Accounting for resources, 2 : the life cycle of materials / 1999
An organizational guide to pollution prevention. 2001
An organizational guide to pollution prevention. 2001
Areawide waste treatment management planning. 1974
Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies silver discharges survey : final report / 1993
Demonstration/instruction material for technical assistance in hazardous waste management final report / 1977
Description of the waste management data base system 1985
Development and transfer of pollution prevention technology 1993
Efficient management of wastewater from manufacturing : new treatment technologies / 2016
Environmental strategies for industry : international perspectives on research needs and policy implications / 1993
Handbook of Advanced Industrial and Hazardous Wastes Management / 2017
Handbook of advanced industrial and hazardous wastes treatment / 2010
Handbook of industrial and hazardous wastes treatment / 2004
Handbook of industrial waste treatment 1992
Handbook of pollution control and waste minimization 2002
Handbook of pollution prevention practices 2001
Hazardous and industrial waste : proceedings of the ... Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference. 1988
Hazardous and industrial wastes : proceedings of the ... Mid-Atlantic Industrial and Hazardous Waste. 1996
Hazardous Waste Reduction Audit Workshop, November 17, 1987 : proceedings / 1987
Identification of pollution prevention (P2) technologies for possible inclusion in enforcement agreements using supplemental environmental projects (SEPs) and injunctive relief : final report. 1997
Identification of pollution prevention (P2) technologies for possible inclusion in enforcement agreements using supplemental environmental projects (SEPs) and injunctive relief : final report. 1996
Industrial & hazardous waste management firms, 1985 1984
Industrial waste management : a guide to best practices / 2003
Industrial Waste Management Evaluation Model (IWEM) technical background document. 2002
Industrial Waste Management Evaluation Model (IWEM) user's guide. 2002
Industrial waste stream generation 1998
Industrial waste treatment handbook 2001
National industrial solid waste : management study - the drug industry / 1971
Opportunities for innovation : pollution prevention / 1995
Pollution prevention : a guide to program implementation / 1993
Pollution prevention : a guide to program implementation. 1992
Pollution prevention : strategies and technologies : P2 / 1995
Pollution prevention : the waste management approach for the 21st century / 2000
Pollution prevention handbook / 1995
Pollution prevention technology handbook / 1993
Preventing industrial toxic hazards : a guide for communities / 1993
Preventing waste at the source 1999
Proceedings / 1993
Proceedings / 1992
Profiting from waste reduction in your small business : a guide to help you identify, implement and evaluate an industrial waste reduction program / 1988
Public treatment of private waste : industrial use of municipal wastewater treatment / 2006
Regulatory flexibility analysis for the Part 264 land disposal regulations / 1982
SARA 313 data : what does it say about air emissions? / 1989
Solid waste funding : a guide to federal assistance. 2000
Solvent substitution for pollution prevention 1993
Toward zero discharge : innovative methodology and technologies for process pollution prevention / 2005
Toxic release inventory (TRI) documentation 1987. 1987
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