Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Intermountain fisheries abstracts, 1992 / 1992
International field year for the Great Lakes, IFGYL symposium, proceedings. 1974
International Great Lakes sport fishery of 1980 1988
International Symposium on Biological Interactions of Enhanced and Wild Salmonids : [abstracts], 1991
International Symposium on Biology and Management of Ruffe. Symposium Abstracts. Held in Ann Arbor, Michigan on March 21-23, 1997. 1997
Introduction to the practice of fishery science / 1984
Inventory and Evaluation of the Game and Fish Resources of the Upper Green River in Relation to Current and Proposed Water Development Programs. 1972
Inventory of Active Water Resources Research Projects in North Carolina. 1970
Inventory of sampling data / 1978
Investigation of oyster producing areas in Louisiana and Mississippi damaged by flood waters in 1945. 1949
Investigation of the Hydrologic Sensitivities to Climate: A Case Study for the American River, Washington (Final Technical Report). 1990
Investigation of the pollution and sanitary conditions of the Potomac watershed : with special reference to self purification and the sanitary condition of shellfish in the lower Potomac River / 1916
Investigation of the pollution of tidal waters of Maryland and Virginia with special reference to shellfish-bearing areas, 1916
Investigations of climate and oceanographic factors influencing the environment of fish / 1967
Investigations of commercially important penaeid shrimp in Louisiana estuaries: White shrimp investigations, Wilson J. Gaidry, III and Brown shrimp investigations, Charles J. White. 1973
Investigations of the aquatic resources and fisheries of Porto Rico / 1900
Investigations of the oyster reefs of Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama following the hurricane of September 19, 1947 / 1948
Island in the stream : oceanography and fisheries of the Charleston Bump / 2001
Journal du Conseil / 1926
Journal of applied ichthyology. 1985
Journal of ichthyology. 1970
Journal of shellfish research. 1981
Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada. 1938
Juvenile Clam Mortality Study at Three Intertidal Flats in Hampton Harbor, New Hampshire. Evaluating Factors Contributing to Mortalities of Juveniles of the Soft-shell Clam (Mya arenaria L.) in Hampton/Seabrook Harbor, New Hampshire. A Final Report to the New Hampshire Estuaries Project. 2002
Kenai River salmon ... a unique resource in south-central Alaska / 1985
Kokanee trophic ecology and limnology in Pend Oreille Lake 1980
Lake Huron Committee minutes. 1965
Lake Level Drawdown as a Macrophyte Control Technique. 1980
Lake Michigan Committee minutes. 1965
Lake Michigan fisheries management plan 1986
Lake Michigan: man's effects on native fish stocks and other biota, 1973
Lake Superior : the state of the lake in 1989 / 1990
Lake Superior; a case history of the lake and its fisheries, 1973
Lake trout spawning habitat in the Six Fathom Bank, Yankee Reef Lake Trout Sanctuary, Lake Huron 1990
Lament for an ocean : the collapse of the Atlantic cod fishery : a true crime story / 1999
Large-scale Manipulative Field Tests Involving Cultured and Wild Juveniles of the Soft-shell Clam, Mya arenaria L.: Interactuve Effects of Predator Exclusion Netting, Aperture Size, and Planting Area on Seasonal Growth and Survival at the Willows Flat within the Hampton-Seabrook Estuary. An Interim Report to the New Hampshire Estuaries Project. 2005
Large-scale, Manipulative Field Tests using Cultured and Wild Juveniles of the Soft-Shell Clam, Mya arenaria L.: Interactive Effects of Intertidal Location Predator Exclusion Netting, Netting Aperture Size, and Planting Area on Clam Growth and Survival within the Hampton-Seabrook Estuary. A Final Report to The New Hampshire Estuaries Project. 2006
Leeches (Annelida: Hirudinea) Found in North American Mollusks. 1976
Legal mechanisms to rehabilitate the Hudson River shad fishery 1974
Lethal Temperature Limit and Necessary Depths in Artificial Growing of Young Pike Perch (Letalnaya Temperaturnaya Granitsa i Neobkhodimye Glubiny pri Iskusstvennom Vyrashchivanii Molodi Sudaka). 1966
License limitation in the British Columbia salmon fishery / 1977
Life cycles, dynamics, exploitation and management of coastal penaeid shrimp stocks / 1981
Limited access alternatives for the Pacific groundfish fishery / 1987
Limited current and underwater biological survey of proposed Truk tuna fishery complex, Dublon Island, Truk / 1977
Limnological Comparison of Culturally Eutrophic Shagawa Lake and Adjacent Oligotrophic Burntside Lake, Minnesota. 1975
List of fishery associations in the United States / 1966
List of fishery associations in the United States, 1967-68 / 1968
List of fishery bulletins of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1966
List of fishery cooperatives in the United States, 1969-70. 1970
List of fishery leaflets of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1968
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