Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Gulf of Mexico Sales 166 and 168: Central and Western Planning Areas. Draft Environmental Impact Statement. 1996
Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission ... annual report : ... to the Congress of the United States and to the governors and legislators of Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas. 1950
Habitat suitability index models pink shrimp / 1984
Hampton-Seabrook Estuary Habitat Restoration Compendium. 2009
Handbook of computations for biological statistics of fish populations / 1958
Handbook of freshwater fishery biology 1969
Handbook of marine science / 1974
Hard clam, Mercenaria mercenaria (Linne), populations in coastal Georgia 1987
Hard clams : getting scarce or just hiding (1996 International Conference on Shellfish Restoration panel discussion) / 1998
High latitude crabs : biology, management, and economics :proceedings of the International Symposium on Biology, Management, and Economics of Crabs from High Latitude Habitats, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, October 11-13, 1995. 1995
High seas bottom fisheries and their impact on the biodiversity of vulnerable deep-sea ecosystems : summary findings / 2004
High seas bottom trawl fisheries and their impacts on the biodiversity of vulnerable deep-sea ecosystems : options for international action : executive summary / 2004
Historical trends, water quality and fisheries, Albemarle-Pamlico Sounds : with emphasis on the Pamlico River Estuary / 1992
History of Galveston Bay resource utilization 1993
How can statistics increase the catch? / 1949
How should research and monitoring be integrated? / 1984
Hudson River ecological study in the area of Indian Point. Annual report. 1973
Hyrum Reservoir Clean Lakes Phase I Report 1994
IASF special publication series. 1970
Ichthyoplankton monitoring and research on the Chesapeake Bay : proceedings of a Consensus Workshop, December 5, 1989, Baltimore, Maryland. 1990
Illinois Creek Timber Sale, Supplement to the Final Environmental Impact Statement 1996
Illinois Water Quality Report, 1984-1985. 1986
Impact analysis of a flow augmentation program on the brown trout fishery of the Arkansas River, Colorado / 1994
Impact assessment on shellfish resources of Great South Bay, South Oyster Bay, and Hempstead Bay, New York : draft report, November 1982 / 1982
Impacts of airborne pollutants on wilderness areas along the Minnesota-Ontario border / 1980
Impacts of climate on fisheries 1994
Impacts of oil spill disasters on marine habitats and fisheries in North America / 2015
Impacts of Section 404 Permits Requiring Compensatory Mitigation of Freshwater Wetlands in Texas and Arkansas. 1993
Impacts of terrestrial vegetation and preimpoundment clearing on reservoir ecology and fisheries in the United States and Canada 1985
Impairment of the Flavor of Fish by Water Pollutants. 1973
Implementation plan for management of the Chesapeake Bay oyster fishery. 1990
Importance of Fish Diseases: An Overview. 1993
Improving the use of the "best scientific information available" standard in fisheries management 2004
In a perfect ocean : the state of fisheries and ecosystems in the North Atlantic Ocean / 2002
Independent review of the state of the northern cod stock : executive summary and recommendations. 1990
Index and list of titles, Fisheries Research Board of Canada and associated publications, 1900-1964 / 1968
Index and lists of publications for 1965 : Fisheries Research Board of Canada. 1965
Index numbers and productivity measurement in multispecies fisheries an application to the Pacific coast trawl fleet / 1988
Index of fishery biological papers by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service authors appearing in nongovernment publications, 1940-56 1963
Indexed bibliography of Northeast Fisheries Center publications and reports for 1988 1990
Indexed bibliography of Northeast Fisheries Science Center publications and reports for 1989 1992
Indexed bibliography of Northeast Fisheries Science Center publications and reports for 1990-91 1994
Influence of environmental factors on Gulf menhaden recruitment 1983
Information on responses to elevated temperature of fishes near Prescott, Oregon important to the commercial or sport fishery of the Columbia River 1968
Initial observations on a new fishery for the sunray venus clam, Macrocallista nimbosa (Solander) 1968
Initials and acronyms of bodies, activities, and projects concerned with fisheries and aquatic sciences / 1975
Instructions for conducting stream and lake surveys 1938
Integrated system plan for salmon and steelhead production in the Columbia River Basin / 1991
Interaction among Environmental Factors and Recruitment Potential in Striped Bass. 1997
Interim meeting ... minutes (with appendices) 1973
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