Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1970 Glacier National Park Study 1970
A field guide to coral reefs of the Caribbean and Florida : a guide to the common invertebrates and fishes of Bermuda, the Bahamas, southern Florida, the West Indies, and the Caribbean coast of Central and South America / 1982
A guide to freshwater invertebrate animals / 1959
A study of the effect of desalination plant effluents on marine benthic organisms. 1971
A study of the effects of a commercial hydraulic clam dredge on benthic communities in estuarine areas / 1971
Abyssal Crustacea 1962
Acute sensitivity of selected Australian freshwater animals to copper and zinc 1983
Acute toxicity of cadmium to bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus), rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri), and pink shrimp (Penaeus duorarum) / 1975
Acute toxicity of chloroform to bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus), rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri), and pink shrimp (Penaeus duorarum) / 1975
Acute toxicity of nickel to bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus), rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri), and pink shrimp (Penaeus duorarum) / 1975
Acute toxicity of pentachlorophenol to bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus), rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri), and pink shrimp (Penaeus duorarum) / 1975
An assessment of sediments from the Upper Mississippi River : final report - June 1997. 1997
Animals of the tidal marsh. 1982
Annotated bibliography on hypoxia and its effects on marine life with emphasis on the Gulf of Mexico / 1985
Annotated check-list of the marine fauna and flora of the St. George's Sound--Apalachee Bay region, Florida Gulf Coast 1956
Aquatic diptera, 1969
Aquatic disposal field investigations, Eatons Neck disposal site, Long Island Sound : appendix C : predisposal baseline conditions of benthic assemblages : final report / 1977
Arsenic Transport and Impact in Chesapeake Bay Food Webs. Attachment A: Arsenic Impact on Growth, Fecundity, Species Composition and Subsequent Transport of Arsenic in Estuarine Food Webs. 1988
Assessing Potential Bioavailability of Metals in Sediments: A Proposed Approach. 1994
Assessment of sublethal effects of pollutants in the sea : a Royal Society discussion : held on 24 and 25 May 1978 1979
Assessment of the effects of subtidally discharged municipal wastewater effluent on the intertidal biota of several central Puget Sound beaches final reports / 1977
Audubon Society book of marine wildlife 1980
Barrier islands of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States : an annotated bibl{i}ography 1978
Baseline study of the benthic community in small streams 1976
Behavior of marine animals : current perspectives in research / 1972
Benthic faunal colonization of an offshore borrow pit in southeastern Florida / 1988
Benthic macrofauna and ancillary data for San Francisco Bay, California, January to November 1988 1990
Benthic macrofauna and ancillary data for San Francisco Bay, California, March to November 1987 1988
Benthic macrofauna and habitat monitoring on the continental shelf of the northeastern United States Biomass / 1990
Bibliography of northern marine waters with emphasis on benthic organisms : indexed by author and title keywords / 1977
Bio-indices of pollution in the Willamette River / 1952
Bioaccumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and metals in estuarine organisms 1989
Biochemical and biophysical perspectives in marine biology 1974
Biological clocks in marine organisms: the control of physiological and behavioral tidal rhythms 1974
Biological Diversity and Biological Integrity: Current Concerns for Lakes and Streams. 1992
Biology of amphibians and reptiles in old-growth forests in the Pacific Northwest 1995
Biology of benthic organisms / 1977
Biology of estuarine animals 1968
Biology of estuarine animals 1971
Biology of intertidal animals 1979
Biology of suspension feeding, 1966
Biota of freshwater ecosystems : identification manual / 1972
Biota of the West Flower Garden Bank 1974
Chesapeake Bay dissolved oxygen goal for restoration of living resource habitats : a synthesis of living resource habitat requirements with guidelines for their use in evaluating model results and monitoring information / 1992
Chesapeake Bay low freshwater inflow study Map folio. 1984
Chironomiden und andere Bodentiere der seudschwedischen Urgebirgsseen : ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der bodenfaunistischen Charakterzeuge schwedischer oligotropher Seen / 1949
Coastal environmental quality in the United States, 1990 : chemical contamination in sediment and tissues / 1990
Common seashore life of the Pacific Northwest / 1962
Comparative studies of the zoobenthos of a natural and man-made rocky habitat on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan 1981
Comparison of the Relative Sensitivity of Three Benthic Invertebrates to Copper-Contaminated Sediments from the Keweenaw Waterway. 1993
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