Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Air/Superfund national technical guidance study series : models for estimating air emission rates from Superfund remedial actions. 1993
Alaska North Slope Oil-Field Restoration Research Strategy. 1992
Ambient Airborne Radioactivity Measurements in the Vicinity of the Jackpile Open Pit Uranium Mine New Mexico. 1979
An evaluation of the disposal of flue gas desulfurization wastes in mines and the ocean : initial assessment / 1977
Archaeological excavations: Upper Delaware Valley, 1972. 1973
Archaeological investigations for the Cross Creek Flood Control Project, Rossville, Kansas 1995
Archaeology in Montana. 1958
Archeological investigations at Great Basin National Par testing and site recording in support of the general management plan / 1995
Artificial Recharge of Groundwater. A Bibliography. 1973
Artificial Recharge Practices in Hawaii. 1970
Asbestos/rock quarries--mapping of Oregon quarries located within 10 miles of serpentinite rock deposits / 1979
Atlas of Western Surface-Mined Lands: Coal, Uranium, and Phosphate. 1978
Baseline levels of platinum and palladium in human tissue / 1976
California, Oregon, and Washington archaeological resource study 1990
Characterization and disposal of kaolinitic slimes from mining operations / 1983
Coal and the environment abstract series : bibliography on mined-land reclamation / 1979
Cost assessment for the emplacement of hazardous materials in a salt mine / 1977
Cultural resources in the southern Lake Erie basin : a predictive study/ 1981
Cultural resources work plan for archaeological testing of four archaeological sites : CA-SDi-8605A/B, CA-SDi-13485, CA-SDi-13486 and CA-SDi-13527 / 1994
Damage cases and environmental releases from mines and mineral processing wastes. 1997
Danage Cases and Environmental Releases from Mines and Mineral Processing Sites. 1998
Development and application of a risk assessment method for radioactive waste management : final contract report / 1978
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the mineral mining and processing point source category. 1979
Does Artificial Ground Water Recharge Contaminate Our Ground Waters. 1970
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Ideal Basic Industries: Cement Plant, Theodore Industrial Park, Alabama, and Limestone Quarry, Monroe County, Alabama. Appendices Volume I. Appendix A Project Description. 1978
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Ideal Basic Industries: Cement Plant, Theodore Industrial Park, Alabama, and Limestone Quarry, Monroe County, Alabama. Appendices Volume II. Appendix B Baseline. Climatology and Dispersion Meteorology, Air Quality, Noise Levels, Solid Waste, Geotechnical Aspects, Water Resources, Archaeology. 1978
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Ideal Basic Industries: Cement Plant, Theodore Industrial Park, Alabama, and Limestone Quarry, Monroe County, Alabama. Appendices Volume III. Appendix B Baseline. Ecology, Socioeconomics. 1978
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Ideal Basic Industries: Cement Plant, Theodore Industrial Park, Alabama, and Limestone Quarry, Monroe County, Alabama. Appendices Volume IV. Appendix C Impacts, Appendix D Mitigating Actions, Appendix E Alternatives. 1978
Duwamish No. 1 Site : 1986 data recovery. 1987
Economics of disposal of lime/limestone scrubbing wastes : surface mine disposal and Dravo landfill processes / 1980
Environmental study of active and inactive mines and their effluents - part 1 / 1980
Environmental study of active and inactive mines and their effluents - part 2 / 1980
Estimation of air impacts for the excavation of contaminated soil / 1992
Evaluation of Fugitive Dust Emissions from Mining. 1976
Evaluation of hazardous wastes emplacement in mined openings / 1975
Extraction and benefication of ores and minerals : copper / 1994
Factors influencing metal accumulation by algae {MICROFICHE} 1982
Final environmental impact statement for proposed issuance of a new source national pollutant discharge elimination system permit to Ideal Basic Industries, Inc., Cement Plant, Theodore Industrial Park, Alabama and Limestone Quarry, Monroe County, Alabama 1978
Geochemical modeling of mine pit water : an overview and application of computer codes / 1993
Gravel Removal Guidelines Manual for Arctic and Subarctic Floodplains. 1980
Gravel removal studies in arctic and subarctic floodplains in Alaska : technical report / 1980
Ground Water Recharge through Pits and Wells. 1973
Human health and environmental damages from mining and mineral processing wastes : technical background document supporting the final rule applying phase IV land disposal restrictions to newly identified mineral processing wastes. 1998
Illinois Water Quality Management Plan. 1983
Impact of coal refuse disposal on groundwater / 1983
Investigation of Use of Gel Material for Mine Sealing. 1973
Mine drainage bibliography, 1929-1980 / 1980
N'tolonapemk : an ancient Native American village on Meddybemps Lake, Maine. 0
Potential uses of phosphogypsum and associated risks : background information document for 40 CFR 61 Subpart R National Emission Standards for Radon Emissions from Phosphogypsum Stacks / 1992
Radioactive waste disposal : an environmental perspective. 1994
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