Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 30
Showing: Items 1 - 30
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Eutrophication United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
A compendium of lake and reservoir data collected by the National Eutrophication Survey in eastern north-central, and southeastern United States. 1978
A compendium of lake and reservoir data collected by the National Eutrophication Survey in the central United States. 1978
A compendium of lake and reservoir data collected by the National Eutrophication Survey in the northeast and north-central United States / 1975
A compendium of lake and reservoir data collected by the National Eutrophication Survey in the northeast and north-central United States / 1975
A guide to aeration/circulation techniques for lake management / 1977
Algal metabolite influence on bloom sequence in eutrophied freshwater ponds / 1976
An approach to a relative trophic index system for classifying lakes and reservoirs : a preliminary anaysis of National Eutrophication Survey Data collected during the 1972 sampling period. 1974
An evaluation of the Earth resources technology satellite (ER TS-1) multispectral scanner as a tool for the determination of lacustrine trophic state / 1975
An urgent call to action : report of the State - EPA Nutrient Innovations Task Group / 2009
Clean coastal waters : understanding and reducing the effects of nutrient pollution / 2000
Compendium of lake and reservior data collected by the National Eutrophication Survey in the western United States 1978
Effects of nutrient enrichment in the nation's estuaries : a decade of change : National Estuarine Eutrophication Assessment update / 2007
Environmental modelings : ecosystems / 1972
Lake eutrophication : results from the national eutrophication survey / 1975
Marine aquaculture in the United States : environmental impacts and policy options / 2001
Modifications of models predicting trophic state of lakes : adjustment of models to account for the biological manifestations of nutrients / 1981
Modifications of models predicting trophic state of lakes : adjustment of models to account for the biological manifestations of nutrients / 1981
National eutrophication survey : data acquisition and laboratory analysis system for lake samples / 1975
National eutrophication survey methods for lakes sampled in 1972 / 1974
Nitrogen and phosphorus in wastewater effluents, working paper no. 22, a prelim. analysis of Nat. Eutrophication Survey data collected during the 1972-73 sampling period. 1974
North American project--a study of U.S. water bodies : a report for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development / 1977
Nutrient control actions for improving water quality in the Mississippi River basin and northern Gulf of Mexico / 2009
Nutrient criteria technical guidance manual : lakes and reservoirs / 2000
Publications and reports of the Pacific Northwest Environmental Research Laboratory : Corvallis, Oregon / 1974
Relationships between drainage area characteristics and nonpoint source nutrients in streams : a preliminary analysis of National Eutrophication Survey data from 143 drainage areas in northeastern and northcentral United States / 1974
Relationships between drainage area characteristics and nonpoint source nutrients in streams : a preliminary analysis of National Eutrophication Survey data from 143 drainage areas in northeastern and northcentral United States / 1974
The National eutrophication survey / 1972
The Relationships of phosphorus and nitrogen to the trophic state of northeast and north-central lakes and reservoirs : preliminary analysis of National Eutrophication Survey data collected during the 1972-73 sampling period. 1974
To save America's small lakes (water pollution control and abatement) third report / 1967
Trophic characterization of the U.S. and Canadian nearshore zones of the Great Lakes / 1979

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