Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 19
Showing: Items 1 - 19
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Etudes de cas)

Select Item Title Year Published
Barriers and bridges to the renewal of ecosystems and institutions / 1995
Case study research : design and methods / 2014
Changing course : a global business perspective on development and the environment / 1992
Collapse : how societies choose to fail or succeed / 2005
Ecological economics : the science and management of sustainability / 1991
Economic analysis of environmental impacts / 1994
Environmental assessment : the regulation of decision making / 2004
Green ledgers : case studies in corporate environmental accounting / 1995
If only we knew what we know : the transfer of internal knowledge and best practice / 1998
Marine and coastal protected areas : a guide for planners and managers / 2000
Positive intelligence : why only 20% of teams and individuals achieve their true potential and how you can achieve yours / 2012
Remote sensing and GIS in ecosystem management / 1994
Taxation, innovation and the environment. 2010
The application of biotechnology to industrial sustainability. 2001
The economics of sustainable development / 1995
The strategy-focused organization : how balanced scorecard companies thrive in the new business environment / 2001
Toward sustainable agricultural systems in the 21st century / 2010
Urban regions : ecology and planning beyond the city / 2008
World heritage : benefits beyond borders / 2012

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