Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Etats Unis d Amerique)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Sand County almanac : with essays on conservation from Round River / 1970
Agricultural biotechnology : strategies for national competitiveness / 1987
America's ancient forests : from the Ice Age to the Age of Discovery / 2000
American constitutional law / 2000
American drug index 2003 / 2002
American energy : the renewable path to energy security / 2006
Antitrust law and economics in a nutshell / 2004
Assessing the sustainability and biological integrity of water resources using fish communities / 1999
Back on track : the global rail revival / 1994
Benefit-cost analysis in environmental, health, and safety regulation : a statement of principles / 1996
Biosafety in microbiological and biomedical laboratories / 1984
Black's law dictionary / 2004
Black's law dictionary / 1999
Black's law dictionary / 2009
Black's law dictionary / 2014
Braid of feathers : American Indian law and contemporary tribal life / 1995
Choosing environmental policy : comparing instruments and outcomes in the United States and Europe / 2004
Climate action report : submission of the United States of America under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. 1994
Coal in America : an encyclopedia of reserves, production, and use / 1979
Coastal waters : a management analysis / 1978
Consumer reports. 1942
Doubt is their product : how industry's assault on science threatens your health / 2008
Energy policy in the U.S. : politics, challenges, and prospects for change / 2011
Energy, the next twenty years : report / 1979
Ensuring safe food : from production to consumption / 1998
Environmental effects of energy : abstracts of selected projects supported by EPA Funds / 1977
Environmental land use planning and management / 2004
Environmental law, policy, and economics : reclaiming the environmental agenda / 2008
Environmental politics and policy / 2005
Environmental quality in a growing economy : essays from the Sixth RFF Forum / 1966
Equality and efficiency, the big tradeoff / 1975
Federalism and clean waters : the 1972 Water pollution control act / 1975
Federalism and environmental policy : trust and the politics of implementation / 2004
Flashpoints in environmental policymaking : controversies in achieving sustainability / 1997
Food politics : how the food industry influences nutrition and health / 2002
Genetically modified pest-protected plants : science and regulation / 2000
Global climate change and U.S. law / 2007
Global energy futures and the carbon dioxide problem / 1981
Green giants? : environmental policies of the United States and the European Union / 2004
Green gold : Japan, Germany, the United States, and the race for environmental technology / 1994
Green ledgers : case studies in corporate environmental accounting / 1995
Groundwater residue sampling design / 1991
Health advisories for 25 organics / 1987
Health aspects of the disposal of waste chemicals / 1986
Highly hazardous materials spills and emergency planning / 1978
How to know the aquatic plants / 1973
Hyping health risks : environmental hazards in daily life and the science of epidemiology / 2008
If only we knew what we know : the transfer of internal knowledge and best practice / 1998
In defense of food : an eater's manifesto / 2008
In search of excellence : lessons from America's best-run companies / 1982
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