Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 19
Showing: Items 1 - 19
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Estuarine pollution Measurement)

Select Item Title Year Published
Analytical methods for U.S. EPA priority pollutants and 301(h) pesticides in estuarine and marine sediments : final report / 1986
Analytical methods for U.S. EPA priority pollutants and 301(h) pesticides in tissues from estuarine and marine organisms : final report / 1986
Bioaccumulation monitoring guidance : final report / 1985
Bioaccumulation monitoring guidance. Volume 5, Strategies for sample replication and compositing / 1987
Bioaccumulation monitoring guidance. Volume 5, Strategies for sample replication and compositing / 1987
Biological test method. Reference method for determining acute lethality of sediment to marine or estuarine amphipods / 1998
Condition of estuaries of California for ... : a statistical summary. 1999
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program Near Coastal Component 1992 Virginian Province Effort : Field Operations and Safety Manual / 1992
Environmental monitoring and assessment program near coastal component 1993 Virginian Province effort : field operations and safety manual 1993
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program-Wetlands : estuarine emergent conceptual model : draft / 1993
Environmental quality of estuaries of the carolinian province : 1994 : annual statistical summary for the 1994 EMAP-estuaries demonstration project in the Carolinian province / 1996
Evaluation of survey positioning methods for nearshore marine and estuarine waters : final report / 1986
Magnitude and extent of sediment toxicity in four bays of the Florida panhandle : Pensacola, Choctawhatchee, St. Andrew, and Apalachicola / 1997
Methods for the determination of chemical substances in marine and estuarine environmental samples. 1993
Optimum sampling interval for water quality monitoring in tidal estuaries / 1965
Quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) for 301(h) monitoring programs : guidance on field and laboratory methods : final report / 1986
Quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) for 301(h) monitoring programs : guidance on field and laboratory methods : final report / 1987
Statistical summary : EMAP-estuaries Virginian Province - 1992 / 1994
Statistical summary: EMAP-estuaries. Louisianian Province. 1991

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